
上传者: kjkszpj1234 | 上传时间: 2022-02-10 09:21:42 | 文件大小: 211KB | 文件类型: -
#include "DSP281x_Device.h" // DSP281x Headerfile Include File #include "DSP281x_Examples.h" // DSP281x Examples Include File #pragma CODE_SECTION(eva_timer1_isr, "ramfuncs"); #pragma CODE_SECTION(eva_timer2_isr, "ramfuncs"); #pragma CODE_SECTION(evb_timer3_isr, "ramfuncs"); // Prototype statements for functions found within this file. interrupt void eva_timer1_isr(void); void init_eva_timer1(void); // Global variables used in this example Uint32 EvaTimer1InterruptCount; // These are defined by the linker (see F2812.cmd) extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadStart; extern Uint16 RamfuncsLoadEnd; extern Uint16 RamfuncsRunStart; void main(void) { InitSysCtrl(); DINT; InitPieCtrl(); IER = 0x0000; IFR = 0x0000; InitPieVectTable(); EALLOW; // This is needed to write to EALLOW protected registers PieVectTable.T1PINT = &eva_timer1_isr; EDIS; // This is needed to disable write to EALLOW protected registers init_eva_timer1(); MemCopy(&RamfuncsLoadStart, &RamfuncsLoadEnd, &RamfuncsRunStart); InitFlash(); EvaTimer1InterruptCount = 0; PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER2.all = M_INT4; IER |= M_INT2; EINT; // Enable Global interrupt INTM ERTM; // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM while(1); }




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