CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java(后缀文件丢失,自行添加.rar查看)

上传者: kingsunshinegx | 上传时间: 2023-04-18 14:09:56 | 文件大小: 2.3MB | 文件类型: RAR
可能每个人都曾经有过中病毒的经历,这就是一种安全问题。国际安全组织也会频繁发布CERT安全报告。 实际上,如果在编程时就考虑安全问题,那么你的程序在面对病毒等安全威胁时就会健壮得多。 本书是关于Java编码时应遵守的一些安全规范,当然不可能全做到,但了解一下,还是很有必要的。 An essential element of secure coding in the Java programming language is a well- documented and enforceable coding standard. The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java provides rules for secure coding in the Java programming language. The goal of these rules is to eliminate insecure coding practices that can lead to exploitable vulnerabili- ties. The application of the secure coding standard leads to higher quality systems that are safe, secure, reliable, dependable, robust, resilient, available, and maintainable and can be used as a metric to evaluate source code for these properties (using manual or automated processes). This coding standard affects a wide range of software systems developed in the Java programming language.



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