上传者: juhou
上传时间: 2021-08-30 15:24:11
文件大小: 35.05MB
文件类型: PDF
This book is an expansion of previous editions of Understanding Digital Signal Processing. Like
those earlier editions, its goals are (1) to help beginning students understand the theory of digital
signal processing (DSP) and (2) to provide practical DSP information, not found in other books, to
help working engineers/scientists design and test their signal processing systems. Each chapter of this
book contains new information beyond that provided in earlier editions.
It’s traditional at this point in the preface of a DSP textbook for the author to tell readers why they
should learn DSP. I don’t need to tell you how important DSP is in our modern engineering world.
You already know that. I’ll just say that the future of electronics is DSP, and with this book you will
not be left behind.