
上传者: johnny_yms | 上传时间: 2022-03-15 15:09:12 | 文件大小: 627KB | 文件类型: -
Unit 1 The Permit………………………………………1 许可证 因生活困苦,我不得不离开家乡去外国打工。我把大部分钱都寄给了妻子和父母。然而不久,政府要求我们必须有工作许可证才能继续打工。后来,我们就遭遇到种种无理待遇…… I think the building must have been used as a farmer's winter store, for I found piles of forgotten dried chestnuts and grain in rotting barrels. I tried the chestnuts but they tasted sour, Paulo said he would bring me food, but that was three days ago. Yesterday, I heard a car engine getting closer, and climbed up to hide in the beams of the patched roof. But the men just looked in quickly through the worn-out windows and broken doors before they left. I clung to the dusty wooden beam, feeling it would bend under my weight, and tried to make no noise. My arms and legs grew numb, then began to tremble. I longed to move, but I waited until I heard the policemen drive off.




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