Qualcomm WCD9335 Audio Codec Datasheet

上传者: johnlin2004_6 | 上传时间: 2021-07-13 21:50:06 | 文件大小: 674KB | 文件类型: PDF
The WCD9335 is a stand-alone high fidelity (hi-fi) audio codec IC that supports the Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (QTI) multimedia solutions, including the APQ8096SGE chipset. The key WCD9335 functions include the following:  Serial low-power interchip media bus (SLIMbus) for access to all on-chip digital audio channels; inter-IC sound (I2S) accesses fewer paths, but maintains compatibility with earlier integrated circuits (ICs).  SoundWire interface for driving WSA8810 or WSA8815 speaker amplifiers  Six analog input ports and seven analog output ports  Six audio analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and seven digital-to-analog converters (DACs)  Six digital microphone inputs (three clock/data pairs)  Multibutton headset control (MBHC) for smart accessory detection  Digital processing includes the following:  Microphone activity detection (MAD) detecting audio, ultrasound, and beacon activity  Qualcomm® Voice Activation subsystem  Active noise cancellation (ANC)  Integrated analog support reduces bill of materials (BOM) and area:  Microphone bias outputs (x4)



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