Tcl 学习手册 (Practical_Programming_In_Tcl_And_Tk_4th_Edition)

上传者: jearmy | 上传时间: 2021-11-02 09:36:05 | 文件大小: 2.02MB | 文件类型: -
学习TCL的好材料,英文版. 目录如下: 1. Tcl Fundamentals 1-1 Backslash sequences 1-2 Arithmetic operators from highest to lowest precedence 1-3 Built-in math functions 1-4 Built-in Tcl commands 2. Getting Started 2-1 Wish command line options 2-2 Variables defined by tclsh and wish 3. The Guestbook CGI Application 3-1 HTML tags used in the examples 4. String Processing in Tcl 4-1 The string command 4-2 Matching characters used with string match 4-3 Character class names 4-4 Format conversions 4-5 Format flags 4-6 Binary conversion types 5. Tcl Lists 5-1 List-related commands 5-2 Options to the lsearch command 8. Tcl Arrays 8-1 The array command 9. Working with Files and Programs 9-1 Summary of the exec syntax for I/O redirection 9-2 The file command options 9-3 Array elements defined by file stat 9-4 Platform-specific file attributes 9-5 Tcl commands used for file access 9-6 Summary of the open access arguments 9-7 Summary of POSIX flags for the access argument 9-8 glob command options 9-9 The registry command 9-10 The registry data types 11. Regular Expressions 11-1 Additional advanced regular expression syntax 11-2 Backslash escapes in regular expressions 11-3 Character classes 11-4 Embedded option characters used with the (?x) syntax 11-5 Options to the regexp command 11-6 Sample regular expressions 12. Script Libraries and Packages 12-1 Options to the pkg_mkIndex command 12-2 The package command 13. Reflection and Debugging 13-1 clock format keywords 13-2 The clock command 13-3 The info command 13-4 The history command 13-5 Special history syntax 14. Namespaces 14-1 The namespace command 15. Internationalization 15-1 The encoding command 15-2 The msgcat package 16. Event-Driven Programming 16-1 The after command 16-2 The fileevent command 16-3 I/O channel properties controlled by fconfigure 16-4 Serial line properties controlled by fconfigure 16-5 End of line translation modes 17. Socket Programming 17-1 Options to



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