[CS].rar (7 April 2021)

上传者: hyq0452 | 上传时间: 2021-05-08 11:00:27 | 文件大小: 24.87MB | 文件类型: RAR
What is New in TreeSize?​ What new features are planned for the near future? Your opinion counts. Be part of the decision team and vote here for new TreeSize features. Version 8.1.2 (7 April 2021)​ TreeSize is now also available in Bulgarian and Hungarian. The scan speed could be increased, especially for fast drives. On NetApp Storage System, snapshots were sometimes not displayed when using the "Compare with snapshots" function. This problem has been fixed. The behavior when loading XML scans via the "Open with" function of Windows Explorer has been improved. A possible application freeze when changing the selection in the directory tree during a running export has been fixed. When deleting from the Top 100 list, it could happen that other entries were duplicated. This issue has now been resolved. Scans loaded from an XML file now again show the date of the scan after the root directory name again. The behavior for the /EXPORTTITLE parameter has been corrected. The setting now affects the title of the export as expected, instead of just a subtitle. File search: The command line parameter /EXPORTTITLE is now evaluated correctly for file search. File search: A possible problem with the display of context menus has been fixed. File search: The printing of search results works again as it used to. Other minor fixes and improvements have been made.



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