Accuracer v17.00.for Delphi 10.4 by [CS].rar (首先在互联网上. 仅在CSDN中.)

上传者: hyq0452 | 上传时间: 2021-04-27 09:05:16 | 文件大小: 18.15MB | 文件类型: RAR
Accuracer: The First and Only Single-File Client-Server Embedded Database for Delphi, C++Builder Accuracer Database System is a Windows / Linux cross-platform BDE alternative embedded Delphi database with SQL support for software developers working in the Embarcadero RAD Studio, Borland (CodeGear) Delphi / C++Builder and Borland Kylix . Accuracer represents the next generation of our Delphi databases products line which started more than 10 years ago with such highly famous and respected product as EasyTable. Accuracer Database System products line includes several independent DBMS products for working with the databases in Accuracer format: - Accuracer VCL - general package for software development in Delphi / C++Builder; - Accuracer CLX - general package for Kylix; - Accuracer Database Server - server application that is the part of Accuracer VCL (CS Std and CS Pro editions); - Accuracer Utilities - package includes utilities with full source code; - Accuracer ODBC Driver - ODBC version for Windows; - Accuracer Bold DB Adapter - support for Borland Bold for Delphi , a usefull tool for data import/export; - Accuracer Data Provider for Fast Query Builder - for visual query building; - Accuracer Database Connection for Easy Query - for visual query building; - Accuracer Data Provider for Active Query Builder - for visual query building using Active Query Builder. Accuracer VCL/CLX includes a new original BDE alternative database engine which supports the almost all TTable, TQuery, TDatabase, TSession, TBatchMove functions and provides some special ones to give you high functionality and ease of use. Accuracer is currently available for the Borland Delphi, C++Builder and Kylix development environments in Single-User (SU), Multi-User (MU) and Client/Server (CS) versions. Key Features: Client/server database engine with server component and custom messages Easy-to-use multi-user (file-server) database engine Multi-thread access Storing all tables inside the single



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