GPU Pro 2~7

上传者: ganli40 | 上传时间: 2020-02-14 03:04:09 | 文件大小: 203.27MB | 文件类型: rar
上传资源不能超过220M所以只包含2-7 GPU pro1 请下载另一个资源 Wolfgang is the CEO of Confetti. Confetti is a think-tank for advanced real-time graphics research and a service provider for the video game and movie industry. Confetti worked in the last three years on many AAA IPs like Tomb Raider, Battlefield 4, Murdered Soul Suspect, Star Citizen, Dirt 4, Vainglory, Transistor, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, Battlefield 1, Mafia 3, Quake Champions, Phyre and others. Wolfgang is the founder and editor of the ShaderX and GPU Pro books series, for eleven years he was a Microsoft MVP, he is the author of numerous books and articles on real-time rendering and a regular contributor to websites and game developer conferences. One of the books he edited -ShaderX4- won the Game developer Front line award in 2006. He is an active contributor to several future standards that drive the Game Industry. In a former life he was the Lead Graphics Programmer in R* RAGE technology group working on games like GTA IV, Read Dead Redemption, Table-Tennis, Midnight Club LA and others. You can find him on twitter at



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