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package fukun;
* Example to convert PDF to highest possible quality images
* Also consider org.jpedal.examples.images.ConvertPagesToImages for faster if quality less important
* Useful blog article at http://www.jpedal.org/PDFblog/2009/07/pdf-to-image-quality/
* It can run from jar directly using the command
* java -cp libraries_needed org/jpedal/examples/images/ConvertPagesToHiResImages pdfFilepath inputValues
* where inputValues is 2 values
* First Parameter: The full path including the name and extension of the target PDF file.
* Second Parameter: The output image file type. Choices are tif, jpg and png.
* See also http://www.jpedal.org/javadoc/org/jpedal/constants/JPedalSettings.html for settings to customise
* ===========================================
* Java Pdf Extraction Decoding Access Library
* ===========================================
* Project Info: http://www.jpedal.org
* (C) Copyright 1997-2012, IDRsolutions and Contributors.
* This file is part of JPedal
This source code is copyright IDRSolutions 2012
* ---------------
* ConvertPagesToHiResImages.java
* ---------------
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.*;
import javax.imageio.IIOImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier;
import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata;
import javax.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriteParam;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageOutputStream;
import com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageWriter;
import org.jpedal.PdfDecoder;
import org.jpedal.color.ColorSpaces;
import org.jpedal.exception.PdfException;
import org.jpedal.fonts.FontMappings;
import org.jpedal.objects.PdfPageData;
import org.jpedal.utils.LogWriter;
import org.jpedal.io.ColorSpaceConvertor;
import org.jpedal.io.JAIHelper;
import org.jpedal.constants.JPedalSettings;
import org.jpedal.constants.PageInfo;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
public class ConvertPagesToHiResImages {
private static boolean debug = false;
/** correct separator for OS */
final static String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
// only used if between 0 and 1
private float JPEGcompression = -1f;
public ConvertPagesToHiResImages() {
public static void main2(String[] args) throws Exception {
* Change these variables
String fileType, pdfFile;
if (args != null && args.length > 1) {
pdfFile = args[0];
fileType = args[1];
// open the file
if (pdfFile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")
&& (fileType.equals("jpg") || fileType.equals("jpeg")
|| fileType.equals("png")
|| fileType.equals("tiff") || fileType
.equals("tif"))) {
new ConvertPagesToHiResImages(fileType, pdfFile);
} else { // open the directory
File testDir = new File(pdfFile);
if (testDir.isDirectory()) {
* get list of files and check directory
String[] files = null;
File inputFiles;
* make sure name ends with a deliminator for correct path
* later
if (!pdfFile.endsWith(separator))
pdfFile = pdfFile + separator;
try {
inputFiles = new File(pdfFile);
files = inputFiles.list();
} catch (Exception ee) {
LogWriter.writeLog("Exception trying to access file "
+ ee.getMessage());
/** now work through all pdf files */
for (String file : files) {
if (file.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf"))
new ConvertPagesToHiResImages(fileType, pdfFile
+ file);
} else
.println("The file to be processed has to be a pdf and the output filetype can only be jpg,png or tiff");
} else {
.println("Not enough arguments passed in! Usage: \"C:\\examples\\1.pdf\" \"jpg\"");
* main constructor to convert PDF to img
* @param fileType
* @param pdfFile
* @throws Exception
public ConvertPagesToHiResImages(String fileType, String pdfFile)
throws Exception {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
String outputPath = pdfFile.substring(0, pdfFile.toLowerCase().indexOf(
+ separator;
File outputPathFile = new File(outputPath);
if (!outputPathFile.exists() || !outputPathFile.isDirectory()) {
if (!outputPathFile.mkdirs()) {
if (debug)
System.err.println("Can't create directory " + outputPath);
// PdfDecoder object provides the conversion
final PdfDecoder decoder = new PdfDecoder(true);
// mappings for non-embedded fonts to use
// FontMappings.setFontReplacements();
* this process is very flaxible to we create a Map and pass in values
* to select what sort of results we want. There is a choice between
* methods used and image size. Larger images use more memory and are
* slower but look better
Map mapValues = new HashMap();
// do not scale above this figure
mapValues.put(JPedalSettings.EXTRACT_AT_BEST_QUALITY_MAXSCALING, 2);
// alternatively secify a page size (aspect ratio preserved so will do
// best fit)
// set a page size (JPedal will put best fit to this)
mapValues.put(JPedalSettings.EXTRACT_AT_PAGE_SIZE, new String[] {
"2000", "1600" });
// which takes priority (default is false)
mapValues.put(JPedalSettings.PAGE_SIZE_OVERRIDES_IMAGE, Boolean.TRUE);
if (debug)
System.out.println("pdf : " + pdfFile);
try {
* allow output to multiple images with different values on each
* Note we REMOVE shapes as it is a new feature and we do not want
* to break existing functions
String separation = System.getProperty("org.jpedal.separation");
if (separation != null) {
Object[] sepValues = new Object[] { 7, "", Boolean.FALSE }; // default
// of
// normal
if (separation.equals("all")) {
sepValues = new Object[] {
"text_without_shapes", Boolean.TRUE };
int sepCount = sepValues.length;
for (int seps = 0; seps < sepCount; seps = seps + 3) {
decoder.setRenderMode((Integer) sepValues[seps]);
extractPageAsImage(fileType, outputPath, decoder, "_"
+ sepValues[seps + 1],
(Boolean) sepValues[seps + 2]); // boolean makes
// last transparent
// so we can see
// white text
} else
// just get the page
extractPageAsImage(fileType, outputPath, decoder, "", false);
} finally {
System.out.println("time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)
/ 1000);
* convenience method to get a page as a BufferedImage quickly - for bulk
* conversion, use the other methods
public static BufferedImage getHiresPage(int pageNo, int scaling,
String pdfFile) {
BufferedImage imageToSave = null;
final PdfDecoder decoder = new PdfDecoder(true);
try {
// mappings for non-embedded fonts to use
// FontMappings.setFontReplacements();
PdfPageData pageData = decoder.getPdfPageData();
int width = scaling * pageData.getCropBoxWidth(pageNo);
int height = scaling * pageData.getCropBoxHeight(pageNo);
Map mapValues = new HashMap();
// do not scale above this figure
mapValues.put(JPedalSettings.EXTRACT_AT_BEST_QUALITY_MAXSCALING, 2);
// alternatively secify a page size (aspect ratio preserved so will
// do best fit)
// set a page size (JPedal will put best fit to this)
mapValues.put(JPedalSettings.EXTRACT_AT_PAGE_SIZE, new String[] {
String.valueOf(width), String.valueOf(height) });
// which takes priority (default is false)
imageToSave = decoder.getPageAsHiRes(pageNo, null, false);
} catch (PdfException e) {
} finally {
return imageToSave;
* actual conversion of a PDF page into an image
* @param fileType
* @param outputPath
* @param decoder
* @param prefix
* @param isTransparent
* @throws PdfException
* @throws IOException
private void extractPageAsImage(String fileType, String outputPath,
PdfDecoder decoder, String prefix, boolean isTransparent)
throws PdfException, IOException {
// page range
int start = 1, end = decoder.getPageCount();
// container if the user is creating a multi-image tiff
BufferedImage[] multiPages = new BufferedImage[1 + (end - start)];
* set of JVM flags which allow user control on process
// ////////////////TIFF OPTIONS/////////////////////////////////////////
String multiPageFlag = System.getProperty("org.jpedal.multipage_tiff");
boolean isSingleOutputFile = multiPageFlag != null
&& multiPageFlag.toLowerCase().equals("true");
String tiffFlag = System.getProperty("org.jpedal.compress_tiff");
boolean compressTiffs = tiffFlag != null
&& tiffFlag.toLowerCase().equals("true");
// ////////////////JPEG OPTIONS/////////////////////////////////////////
// allow user to specify value
String rawJPEGComp = System.getProperty("org.jpedal.compression_jpeg");
if (rawJPEGComp != null) {
try {
JPEGcompression = Float.parseFloat(rawJPEGComp);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (JPEGcompression < 0 || JPEGcompression > 1)
throw new RuntimeException(
"Invalid value for JPEG compression - must be between 0 and 1");
String jpgFlag = System.getProperty("org.jpedal.jpeg_dpi");
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
for (int pageNo = start; pageNo < end + 1; pageNo++) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("page : " + pageNo);
* example1 - ask JPedal to return from decoding if file takes too
* long (time is in millis) will reset after exit so call for each
* page
// decoder.setPageDecodeStatus(DecodeStatus.Timeout,new Integer(20)
// );
* example2 thread which will ask JPedal to time out and return from
* decoding will reset after exit so call for each page
* Thread a=new Thread(){ public void run() {
* while(true){ //simulate 2 second delay try { Thread.sleep(2000);
* } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To
* change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File
* Templates. }
* //tell JPedal to exit asap
* decoder.setPageDecodeStatus(DecodeStatus.Timeout, Boolean.TRUE);
* } } };
* //simulate a second thread a.start();
* //see code after line decoder.getPageAsHiRes(pageNo); for
* tracking whether JPedal timed out and returned /
* If you are using decoder.getPageAsHiRes() after passing
* additional parameters into JPedal using the static method
* PdfDecoder.modifyJPedalParameters(), then getPageAsHiRes() wont
* necessarily be thread safe. If you want to use getPageAsHiRes()
* and pass in additional parameters, in a thread safe mannor,
* please use the method getPageAsHiRes(int pageIndex, Map params)
* or getPageAsHiRes(int pageIndex, Map params, boolean
* isTransparent) and pass the additional parameters in directly to
* the getPageAsHiRes() method without calling
* PdfDecoder.modifyJPedalParameters() first.
* Please see
* org/jpedal/examples/images/ConvertPagesToImages.java.html for
* more details on how to use HiRes image conversion
BufferedImage imageToSave = decoder.getPageAsHiRes(pageNo, null,
String imageFormat = System.getProperty("org.jpedal.imageType");
if (imageFormat != null) {
if (isNumber(imageFormat)) {
int iFormat = Integer.parseInt(imageFormat);
if (iFormat > -1 && iFormat < 14) {
BufferedImage tempImage = new BufferedImage(imageToSave
.getWidth(), imageToSave.getHeight(), iFormat);
Graphics2D g = tempImage.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(imageToSave, null, null);
imageToSave = tempImage;
} else {
.println("Image Type is not valid. Value should be a digit between 0 - 13 based on the BufferedImage TYPE variables.");
} else {
.println("Image Type provided is not an Integer. Value should be a digit between 0 - 13 based on the BufferedImage TYPE variables.");
// show status flag
* if(decoder.getPageDecodeStatus(DecodeStatus.Timeout))
* System.out.println("Timeout on decoding"); else
* System.out.println("Done"); /
// System.out.println("w="+imageToSave.getWidth()+" h="+imageToSave.getHeight());
// image needs to be sRGB for JPEG
if (fileType.equals("jpg"))
imageToSave = ColorSpaceConvertor.convertToRGB(imageToSave);
String outputFileName;
if (isSingleOutputFile)
outputFileName = outputPath + "allPages" + prefix + '.'
+ fileType;
else {
* create a name with zeros for if more than 9 pages appears in
* correct order
String pageAsString = String.valueOf(pageNo);
String maxPageSize = String.valueOf(end);
int padding = maxPageSize.length() - pageAsString.length();
for (int ii = 0; ii < padding; ii++)
pageAsString = '0' + pageAsString;
outputFileName = outputPath + "page" + pageAsString + prefix
+ '.' + fileType;
// if just gray we can reduce memory usage by converting image to
// Grayscale
* see what Colorspaces used and reduce image if appropriate (only
* does Gray at present)
* Can return null value if not sure
Iterator colorspacesUsed = decoder
int nextID;
boolean isGrayOnly = colorspacesUsed != null; // assume true and
// disprove
while (colorspacesUsed != null && colorspacesUsed.hasNext()) {
nextID = (Integer) (colorspacesUsed.next());
if (nextID != ColorSpaces.DeviceGray
&& nextID != ColorSpaces.CalGray)
isGrayOnly = false;
// draw onto GRAY image to reduce colour depth
// (converts ARGB to gray)
if (isGrayOnly) {
BufferedImage image_to_save2 = new BufferedImage(imageToSave
.getWidth(), imageToSave.getHeight(),
image_to_save2.getGraphics().drawImage(imageToSave, 0, 0, null);
imageToSave = image_to_save2;
// put image in array if multi-images (we save on last page in code
// below)
if (isSingleOutputFile)
multiPages[pageNo - start] = imageToSave;
// we save the image out here
if (imageToSave != null) {
* BufferedImage does not support any dpi concept. A higher dpi
* can be created using JAI to convert to a higher dpi image
// shrink the page to 50% with graphics2D transformation
// - add your own parameters as needed
// you may want to replace null with a hints object if you
// want to fine tune quality.
* example 1 biliniear scaling AffineTransform scale = new
* AffineTransform(); scale.scale(.5, .5); //50% as a decimal
* AffineTransformOp scalingOp =new AffineTransformOp(scale,
* null); image_to_save =scalingOp.filter(image_to_save, null);
if (JAIHelper.isJAIused())
if (JAIHelper.isJAIused() && fileType.startsWith("tif")) {
com.sun.media.jai.codec.TIFFEncodeParam params = new com.sun.media.jai.codec.TIFFEncodeParam();
if (compressTiffs)
if (!isSingleOutputFile) {
BufferedOutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(outputFileName));
javax.media.jai.JAI.create("encode", imageToSave, os,
"TIFF", params);
} else if (isSingleOutputFile && pageNo == end) {
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(outputFileName));
com.sun.media.jai.codec.ImageEncoder encoder = com.sun.media.jai.codec.ImageCodec
.createImageEncoder("TIFF", out, params);
List vector = new ArrayList();
} else if (isSingleOutputFile) {
// non-JAI
} else if ((jpgFlag != null || rawJPEGComp != null)
&& fileType.startsWith("jp") && JAIHelper.isJAIused()) {
saveAsJPEG(jpgFlag, imageToSave, JPEGcompression,
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(
} else {
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFileName)));
ImageIO.write(imageToSave, fileType, bos);
// if you just want to save the image, use something like
// javax.imageio.ImageIO.write((java.awt.image.RenderedImage)image_to_save,"png",new
// java.io.FileOutputStream(output_dir + page +
// image_name+".png"));
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Created : " + outputFileName);
/** test to see if string or number */
private static boolean isNumber(String value) {
// assume true and see if proved wrong
boolean isNumber = true;
int charCount = value.length();
for (int i = 0; i < charCount; i++) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
if ((c < '0') | (c > '9')) {
isNumber = false;
i = charCount;
return isNumber;
private static void saveAsJPEG(String jpgFlag, BufferedImage image_to_save,
float JPEGcompression, BufferedOutputStream fos) throws IOException {
// useful documentation at
// http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/imageio/metadata/doc-files/jpeg_metadata.html
// useful example program at
// http://johnbokma.com/java/obtaining-image-metadata.html to output
// JPEG data
// old jpeg class
// com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder jpegEncoder =
// com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(fos);
// com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam jpegEncodeParam =
// jpegEncoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(image_to_save);
// Image writer
JPEGImageWriter imageWriter = (JPEGImageWriter) ImageIO
ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(fos);
// and metadata
IIOMetadata imageMetaData = imageWriter.getDefaultImageMetadata(
new ImageTypeSpecifier(image_to_save), null);
if (jpgFlag != null) {
int dpi = 96;
try {
dpi = Integer.parseInt(jpgFlag);
} catch (Exception e) {
// old metadata
// jpegEncodeParam.setDensityUnit(com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam.DENSITY_UNIT_DOTS_INCH);
// jpegEncodeParam.setXDensity(dpi);
// jpegEncodeParam.setYDensity(dpi);
// new metadata
Element tree = (Element) imageMetaData
Element jfif = (Element) tree.getElementsByTagName("app0JFIF")
jfif.setAttribute("Xdensity", Integer.toString(dpi));
jfif.setAttribute("Ydensity", Integer.toString(dpi));
if (JPEGcompression >= 0 && JPEGcompression <= 1f) {
// old compression
// jpegEncodeParam.setQuality(JPEGcompression,false);
// new Compression
JPEGImageWriteParam jpegParams = (JPEGImageWriteParam) imageWriter
// old write and clean
// jpegEncoder.encode(image_to_save, jpegEncodeParam);
// new Write and clean up
new IIOImage(image_to_save, null, null), null);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
try {
ConvertPagesToHiResImages test = new ConvertPagesToHiResImages(
"jpg", "E:\\123.PDF");
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block