[麻省理工学院-算法导论].Introduction.to. Algorithms,.Second.Edition

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Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein ISBN:0262032937 The MIT Press © 2001 (1180 pages) A course in computer algorithms, suitable for use as a field reference for working software developers. Table of Contents Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition Preface Part I - Foundations Chapter 1 - The Role of Algorithms in Computing Chapter 2 - Getting Started Chapter 3 - Growth of Functions Chapter 4 - Recurrences Chapter 5 - Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms Part II - Sorting and Order Statistics Chapter 6 - Heapsort Chapter 7 - Quicksort Chapter 8 - Sorting in Linear Time Chapter 9 - Medians and Order Statistics Part III - Data Structures Chapter 10 - Elementary Data Structures Chapter 11 - Hash Tables Chapter 12 - Binary Search Trees Chapter 13 - Red-Black Trees Chapter 14 - Augmenting Data Structures Part IV - Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques Chapter 15 - Dynamic Programming Chapter 16 - Greedy Algorithms Chapter 17 - Amortized Analysis Part V - Advanced Data Structures Chapter 18 - B-Trees Chapter 19 - Binomial Heaps Chapter 20 - Fibonacci Heaps Chapter 21 - Data Structures for Disjoint Sets Part VI - Graph Algorithms Chapter 22 - Elementary Graph Algorithms Chapter 23 - Minimum Spanning Trees Chapter 24 - Single-Source Shortest Paths Chapter 25 - All-Pairs Shortest Paths Chapter 26 - Maximum Flow Part VII - Selected Topics Chapter 27 - Sorting Networks Chapter 28 - Matrix Operations Chapter 29 - Linear Programming Chapter 30 - Polynomials and the FFT Chapter 31 - Number-Theoretic Algorithms Chapter 32 - String Matching Chapter 33 - Computational Geometry Chapter 34 - NP-Completeness Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms Part VIII - Appendix: Mathematical Background Appendix A - Summations Appendix B - Sets, Etc. Appendix C - Counting and Probability Bibliography Index List of Figures List of Corollaries List of Problems List of Exercises




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