Bakery - GPU Lightmapper

上传者: fengzi1103771698 | 上传时间: 2021-12-29 12:01:26 | 文件大小: 70B | 文件类型: -
unity3d gpu灯光烘焙插件Bakery - GPU Lightmapper 1.4 Features: - Physically correct baked lighting. All results were compared against Mitsuba offline renderer. - Performance: uses GPU for ray-tracing. - Can take advantage of (but not requires) RTX hardware. - Uses NVidia AI Denoiser to remove noise, powered by deep learning. - Fixes common baking artifacts, such as lighting leaks and UV seams. - Global Illumination (supports custom shaders). - Sky lighting (HDRI or color). - Emissive textured meshes. - IES Lights. - Directional, point, spot light sources. - Materials: supports albedo, emissive, opacity. - Can produce both complete and indirect lightmaps, or even mix both per-light. - Can produce shadowmasks. - Supports directional baking (bump/specular) with 4 modes: dominant direction (compatible with most shaders), Radiosity Normal Mapping, per-pixel spherical harmonics, as well as simply baking normal maps to diffuse. - Selective render is supported. - Light probes. - Automatic atlas packing. - Supports Mesh Renderers and Terrains. - Supports LODs. - Supports baked prefabs.




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