
上传者: erdosecai | 上传时间: 2021-12-18 17:11:58 | 文件大小: 2.94MB | 文件类型: -
备份ami bios,刷bios工具,win7 win10 32位 64位都可以用。afuwin4.47 afuwin4.48 备份带ufi的bios出现死机的情况,必须用最新版本的afuwin,新版本已经改名AFUWINGUI3.07,这是官网下载的最新版本。
AFU (AMI Firmware Update) is a package of utilities used
to update the system BIOS under various operating systems.

Note: AFU only works for APTIO with SMI FLASH support.
Compatible with Aptio 3, 4, and 4.5.

The package includes:

- AFU User Guide

To run, extract all of the files from the folder with the name corresponding to the desired operating system.

Usage (applies to AFUWIN, AFUDOS, AFUEFI and AFUEFI64...
for usage of AFUBSD and AFULNX see help files provided in their folders):
AFUEFI [Option 1] [Option 2]

BIOS ROM File Name
The mandatory field is used to specify path/filename of the BIOS ROM file with extension.

The mandatory field is used to select an operation mode.
- /O Save current ROM image to file
- /U Display ROM File's ROMID
- /S Refer to Options: /S
- /D Verification test of given ROM File without flashing BIOS.
- /OAD Refer to Options: /OAD
- /A Refer to Options: /A
- /CLNEVNLOG Refer to Options: /CLNEVNLOG
The optional field used to supply more information for flashing BIOS ROM. Following lists the supported optional parameters and format:
- /CLRCFG Program without preserving setup configuration
- /BCPALL Save all question values before flash
- /DPC Don't Check Aptio 4 and Aptio 5 platform.
- /MEUL: Program ME Entire Firmware Block, which supports
Production.BIN and PreProduction.BIN files.
- /Q Silent execution
- /X Don't Check ROM ID
- /CAF Compare ROM file's data with Systems is different or
not, if not then cancel related update.
- /S Display current system's ROMID
- /JBC Don't Check AC adapter and battery
- /HOLEOUT: Save specific ROM Hole according to RomHole GUID.
- /SP Preserve Setup setting.
- /Rn Preserve SMBIOS type N during programming(n=0-255)
- /R Preserve ALL SMBIOS structure during programming
- /B Program Boot Block
- /P Program Main BIOS
- /K Program all non-critical blocks.
- /N Program NVRAM
- /Kn Program n'th non-critical block(n=0-15).
- /HOLE: Update specific ROM Hole according to RomHole GUID.
- /L Program all ROM Holes.
- /Ln Program n'th ROM Hole only(n=0-15).
- /E Program Embedded Controller Block.
- /OAD Delete Oem Activation key
- /A Oem Activation file
- /E Program Embedded Controller Block
- /ECUF Update EC BIOS when newer version is detected.
- /ME Program ME Entire Firmware Block.
- /MEUF Program ME Ignition Firmware Block.
- /CLNEVNLOG Clear Event Log.
- /CAPSULE Override Secure Flash policy to Capsule
- /RECOVERY Override Secure Flash policy to Recovery
- /EC Program Embedded Controller Block. (Flash Type)
- /CMD: Send special command to BIOS. /CMD:{xxx, xxx, xxx}
- /OEMCMD: Send special value to BIOS. /OEMCMD:xxx
- /REBOOT Reboot after programming.
- /SHUTDOWN Shutdown after programming.
- /FDR Flash Flash-Descriptor Region.(*1)
- /GBER Flash GBE Region.(*1)
- /MER Flash Entire ME Region.(*1)
- /OPR Flash Operation Region of SPS.(*1)
- /PDR Flash PDR Region.(*1)

(*1)If BIOS ME Module have report, AFU will be show this command.

- Any parameter encolsed by is a mandatory field.
- Any parameter enclosed by [ ] is an optional field.
- cannot co-exist with any [Options].
- Main BIOS image is default flashing area if no any option present.
- [/REBOOT], [/X], and [/S] will enable [/P] function automatically.
- If [/B] present alone, there is only the Boot Block area to be updated.
- If [/N] present alone, there is only the NVRAM area to be updated.
- If [/E] present alone, there is only the Embedded Controller bl




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