RTL Coding and Optimization Guide for use with Design Compiler.pdf

上传者: drjiachen | 上传时间: 2022-04-30 15:15:02 | 文件大小: 161KB | 文件类型: PDF
My career at Synopsys spanned 9 years and was focused entirely on front-end design. With each new position within the company (FAE, Trainer, Consultant, Manager) I learned more about high level design, coding styles, synthesis, scripting, optimization techniques, timing closure, timing convergence and QoR. What I have noticed about the industry today, is that it is focused on the wrong end of the development cycle. Fixing timing problems with better placement technology is more of a last ditch effort than a state of the art approach. Ultimately, if the problem can’t be fixed with placement – the designer has to go back to their RTL code and re-write it to fix the problem. Code it correctly from the beginning, anticipating implementation roadblocks and barriers, and you won’t need the big fancy tools to solve your timing convergence/closure problems later in the design cycle.




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