
上传者: defonds | 上传时间: 2021-12-04 22:15:20 | 文件大小: 3.73MB | 文件类型: -
Mobile Application Security,英文版本,PDF 格式,大小 4 Mb,作者:Himanshu Dwivedi、Chris Clark、 David Thiel。 Secure today's mobile devices and applications Implement a systematic approach to security in your mobile application development with help from this practical guide. Featuring case studies, code examples, and best practices, Mobile Application Security details how to protect against vulnerabilities in the latest smartphone and PDA platforms. Maximize isolation, lockdown internal and removable storage, work with sandboxing and signing, and encrypt sensitive user information. Safeguards against viruses, worms, malware, and buffer overflow exploits are also covered in this comprehensive resource. Design highly isolated, secure, and authenticated mobile applications Use the Google Android emulator, debugger, and third-party security tools Configure Apple iPhone APIs to prevent overflow and SQL injection attacks Employ private and public key cryptography on Windows Mobile devices Enforce fine-grained security policies using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Plug holes in Java Mobile Edition, SymbianOS, and WebOS applications Test for XSS, CSRF, HTTP redirects, and phishing attacks on WAP/Mobile HTML applications Identify and eliminate threats from Bluetooth, SMS, and GPS services



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