《美国计算机协会通讯》【Communication of ACM】2017年2月刊PDF

上传者: csdnzheng | 上传时间: 2021-06-09 14:03:11 | 文件大小: 11.11MB | 文件类型: PDF
Communications of the ACM is the flagship publication of the ACM and one of the oft-cited magazines in the computing field. Established in 1957 as a vehicle for ACM members to communicate their research findings and ideas, Communications has flourished into the premier computing magazine, internationally renowned and respected for its coverage of both existing and emerging technologies. Every month Communications brings its readers the latest in technology trends as written by the very creators and innovators of those technologies. Our news coverage and commentaries offer engaging perspectives involving diverse topics and the impact of the technologies we cover. Most issues include a special section spotlighting a particular technology in detail with the help of many of the leading experts in the field. Every issue includes a rich assortment of feature articles that examine a vast array of technical subjects and implementations all written for a very broad-based audience of computing professionals. Our recognized roster of columnists provide valuable professional insight and wisdom regarding such topics as legal issues, business strategies, professional growth, programming acumen, safety risks, and political matters, among others. The prestige that Communications enjoys today has been built on a strong foundation of the highest quality editorial and ACM's steadfast dedication to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information techology.




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