PostgreSQL 9 Administration Cookbook

上传者: chenyichen | 上传时间: 2021-11-08 00:48:07 | 文件大小: 2.56MB | 文件类型: -
Book Description Publication Date: October 26, 2010 Written in the cookbook style, this book offers learning and techniques through recipes. It contains step-by-step instructions for administrators and developers to manage databases on PostgreSQL. The book is designed in such a way that you can read it chapter by chapter or refer to recipes in no particular order. This book is for Sysadmins, Database Administrators, Architects, Developers, and anyone with an interest in planning for or running live production databases. This book is most suited to those who have some technical experience. Editorial Reviews About the Author Simon Riggs Simon Riggs is one of the few Major Developers and Committers on the PostgreSQL database project, and is also CTO of 2ndQuadrant, providing 24x7 support and services to PostgreSQL users worldwide. Simon has worked with enterprise-class database applications for more than 20 years, with prior certifications on Oracle, Teradata and DB2. Simon is responsible for much of the database recovery and replication code in PostgreSQL, and designed or wrote many of the latest performance enhancements. He uses his operational experience to contribute to many aspects of both internal design and usability. Hannu Krosing Hannu Krosing is Principal Consultant at 2ndQuadrant and a Technical Advisor at Ambient Sound Investments. As the original database architect at Skype Technologies, Hannu was responsible for designing the Skytools suite of replication and scalability technologies. Hannu has more than 12 years experience working with, and contributing to, the PostgreSQL project. Simon Riggs Simon Riggs is one of the few Major Developers and Committers on the PostgreSQL database project, and is also CTO of 2ndQuadrant, providing 24x7 support and services to PostgreSQL users worldwide. Simon has worked with enterprise-class database applications for more than 20 years, with prior certifications on Oracle, Teradata and DB2. Simon is responsible for



  • evilhorn :
  • sebarsunny :
    在学习postgresql, 很适合电子阅读啊。谢谢哦
  • dikang89 :
  • gameckh :
  • realcam :


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