上传者: better1102
上传时间: 2021-07-19 11:01:21
文件大小: 506KB
文件类型: PDF
In this tutorial, we provide principled methods to
quantitatively evaluate the quality of an estimated trajectory
from visual(-inertial) odometry (VO/VIO), which is the foundation
of benchmarking the accuracy of different algorithms.
First, we show how to determine the transformation type to use
in trajectory alignment based on the specific sensing modality
(i.e., monocular, stereo and visual-inertial). Second, we describe
commonly used error metrics (i.e., the absolute trajectory error
and the relative error) and their strengths and weaknesses.
To make the methodology presented for VO/VIO applicable to
other setups, we also generalize our formulation to any given
sensing modality. To facilitate the reproducibility of related
research, we publicly release our implementation of the methods
described in this tutorial.