deep domain confusion

上传者: an_error | 上传时间: 2021-09-12 09:15:40 | 文件大小: 149.77MB | 文件类型: ZIP
# DDC-transfer-learning A simple implementation of Deep Domain Confusion: Maximizing for Domain Invariance which is inspired by [transferlearning][]. The project contains *Pytorch* code for fine-tuning *Alexnet* as well as *DDCnet* implemented according to the original paper which adds an adaptation layer into the Alexnet. The *office31* dataset used in the paper is also used in this implementation to test the performance of fine-tuning *Alexnet* and *DDCnet* with additional linear *MMD* loss. # Run the work * Run command `python` to fine-tune a pretrained *Alexnet* on *office31* dataset with *full-training*. * Run command `python` to fine-tune a pretrained *Alexnet* on *office31* dataset with *full-training*. # Experiment Results Here we have to note that *full-training* protocol, which is taking all the samples from one domain as the source or target domain, and *dowm-sample* protocol, which is choosing 20 or 8 samples per category to use as the domain data, are quite different data preparation methods with different experiment results. | Methods | Results (amazon to webcame) | | :------: | :------: | | fine-tuning Alexnet (full-training) in *Pytorch* | Around 51% | | DDC ( pretrained Alexnet with adaptation layer and MMD loss) in *Pytorch* | Around 56% | # Future work - [ ] Write data loader using *down-sample* protocol mentioned in the paper instead of using *full-training* protocol. - [ ] Considering trying a tensorflow version to see if frameworks can have a difference on final experiment results. # Reference Tzeng E, Hoffman J, Zhang N, et al. Deep domain confusion: Maximizing for domain invariance[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3474, 2014.



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