AutoUpgrader.Pro.v4.6.4 自動更新元件

上传者: airfox7412 | 上传时间: 2021-09-15 17:35:14 | 文件大小: 2.53MB | 文件类型: RAR
2. Installation ---------------------------------------------------- to Borland Developer Studio 2006 ================================ 1. Create "..\Lib\AutoUpgraderPro" directory. 2. Unzip files and copy them to "BDS\Lib\AutoUpgraderPro". 3. Start Borland Developer Studio 2006 IDE (do not start C++ Builder, even if you want to install it only for BCB 2006. AutoUpgrader should be installed for entire BDS 2006 anyway). 4. Open "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006.bdsproj" file. 5. Install package to the components palette (right-click on "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006.bpl" node in the Project Manager and select "Install" menu item). * In case if you decided to use the package only in C++ Builder Personallity of BDS 2006, you can do following steps instead of previously described steps 3, 4 and 5: 3. Start C++ Builder 2006 IDE. 4. Open "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006CBuilder.bdsproj" file. 5. Install package to the components palette (right-click on "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006CBuilder.bpl" node in the Project Manager and select "Install" menu item). to Delphi 2 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi2" directory to your "Delphi 2\Lib" directory. 2. Start Delphi 2 IDE. 3. Select "Component \ Install..." menu item. 4. Press "Add" button and select "_AUReg.pas" file. 5. Rebuild library. to Delphi 3 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi3" directory and copy them to "Delphi 3\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 3 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD3.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 4 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi4" directory and copy them to "Delphi 4\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 4 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD4.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 5 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi5" directory and copy them to "Delphi 5\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 5 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD5.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to



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  • zhsan12 :
    亲自测试了一下,非常好用的啊!如果更新的界面没有什么特别要求的话!直接用这个也是不错的! 感谢一下分享的人
  • smartp :
  • onewlife123 :
    D7 测试可以编译安装, XE10.1环境下无法使用!有会修改的吗?
  • loze :
  • zsctsoft :


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