Computational Molecular Biology - An Introduction

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WILEY SERIES IN MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Editor-in-Chief Simon Levin Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, USA Associate Editors Zvia Agur, Tel-Aviv University, Israel Odo Diekmann, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Marcus Feldman, Stanford University, USA Bryan Grenfell, Cambridge University, UK Philip Maini, Oxford University, UK Martin Nowak, Oxford University, UK Karl Sigmund, University of Vienna, Austria CHAPLAIN/SINGH/MCLACHLAN—On Growth and Form: Spatio-temporal Pattern Formation in Biology CHRISTIANSEN—Population Genetics of Multiple Loci CLOTE/BACKOFEN—Computational Molecular Biology: An Introduction DIEKMANN/HEESTERBEEK—Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation Reflecting the rapidly growing interest and research in the field of mathematical biology, this outstanding new book series examines the integration of mathematical and computational methods into biological work. It also encourages the advancement of theoretical and quantitative approaches to biology, and the development of biological organisation and function. The scope of the series is broad, ranging from molecular structure and processes to the dynamics of ecosystems and the biosphere, but unified through evolutionary and physical principles, and the interplay of processes across scales of biological organisation. Topics to be covered in the series include: • Cell and molecular biology • Functional morphology and physiology • Neurobiology and higher function • Immunology • Epidemiology • Ecological and evolutionary dynamics of interacting populations A fundamental research tool, the Wiley Series in Mathematical and Computational Biology provides essential and invaluable reading for biomathematicians and development biologists, as well as graduate students and researchers in mathematical biology and epidemiology.




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