
上传者: CapRogers1 | 上传时间: 2021-12-10 16:03:23 | 文件大小: 1KB | 文件类型: ZIP
matlab输入分子和分母表达式直接得出乃氏图和博德图 %Welcome to use getnyquist. %It's a function helping you to get nyquist chart without inputing any parameter but only a formula. %This .m file can only use 's' as variate. %attention: 's' must be included! % %example: % getnyquist(s+1,s*(10*s+1)*(0.03*s+1)*(0.0047*s+1)) %then you will get a chart of its nyquist. % %if num or den is just a number: you need to input:'0*s + #number' %example: %if you input this: getnyquist(1,s*(10*s+1)*(0.03*s+1)*(0.0047*s+1)) %you will get an error report: %Undefined function 'expand' for input arguments of type 'double'. % %Error in getnyquist (line 17) %y1=expand(func1); % %so you have to input that like this: getnyquist(1+0*s,s*(10*s+1)*(0.03*s+1)*(0.0047*s+1)) %then you can get the answer. %before you input a formula, you need to input: 'syms s' %writed by CapRogers. %Welcome to use getbode. %It's a function helping you to get bode chart without inputing any parameter but only a formula. %This .m file can only use 's' as variate. %attention: 's' must be included! % %example: % getbode(s+1,s*(10*s+1)*(0.03*s+1)*(0.0047*s+1)) %then you will get a chart of its nyquist. % %if num or den is just a number: you need to input:'0*s + #number' %example: %if you input this: getbode(1,s*(10*s+1)*(0.03*s+1)*(0.0047*s+1)) %you will get an error report: %Undefined function 'expand' for input arguments of type 'double'. % %Error in getnyquist (line 17) %y1=expand(func1); % %so you have to input that like this: getbode(1+0*s,s*(10*s+1)*(0.03*s+1)*(0.0047*s+1)) %then you can get the answer. %before you input a formula, you need to input: 'syms s' %writed by CapRogers. 上传文件为m文件,解压缩到matlab根目录下的bin文件夹下即可在matlab界面调用




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