AlphaControls V7.59 Full Source 完全版 源码

上传者: 7rainbow | 上传时间: 2021-07-03 18:10:10 | 文件大小: 5.84MB | 文件类型: RAR
AlphaControls V7.59 Full Source Installation notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following compilers are supported by the AlphaControls: Delphi 5/6/7 Delphi 2005/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2 C++ Builder 6/2006/2007/2009/2010/XE/XE2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a previous version of the AlphaControls installed, you must remove it completely before installing this version. To remove a previous installation, proceed as follows. To remove the AlphaControls: 1. Close the IDE 2. Browse to the folder where your bpl and dcp files are located (default is $(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl for Delphi, $(BCB)\Projects\Bpl for C++ Builder). 3. Delete all of the files related to AlphaControls (acnt*.*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install for Delphi : 1. Start by unpacking the acnt*.zip files into a folder of your own choice. 2. This directory must be registered in system search path. And add, (if need) AlphaControls directory in Delphi (Tools->Environment Options->Library->Library Path). 3. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the AlphaControls run-time package acntX_r.dpk (x - version of Delphi). In the "Package..." window click "Compile" button to compile run-time library. 4. Use "File\Open..." menu item of Delphi IDE to open the AlphaControls design-time package acntX.dpk. In the "Package..." window click "Install" button to install the library. 5. DB-aware components users can install AlphaDB pack by copying AlphaDB files to AlphaControls directory and AlphaDB.dpk file installing. Install for C++ Builder : 1. Start by unpacking the acnt*.zip files into a folder of your own choice. 2. This directory must be registered in system search path. And add (if need) AlphaControls directory in C++ Builder paths and projects Include & Library paths. 3. Open acnt*_R.bpk file or acnt*_R.cbproj



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  • zzsg2005 :
  • shanyaochi :
  • gongags :
  • jensenxy :
  • xtbpl :


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