Perl是由Larry Wall设计的,并由他不断更新和维护的编程语言。   .Perl具有高级语言(如C)的强大能力和灵活性。事实上,你将看到,它的许多特性是从C语言中借用来的。   .与脚本语言一样,Perl不需要编译器和链接器来运行代码,你要做的只是写出程序并告诉Perl来运行而已。这意味着Perl对于小的编程问题的快速解决方案和为大型事件创建原型来测试潜在的解决方案是十分理想的。
2021-10-12 20:50:58 1.61MB Perl 学习
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2021-10-12 19:39:06 3.09MB perl cookbook engilish edition
这是一款汉化的,免安装的,无需注册的 Dzsoft perl editor软件压缩包
2021-10-11 11:14:55 1.16MB Dzsoft perl editor
2021-10-07 20:49:00 3.04MB 中文版 生物信息学 perl语言
Perl 填补了低级语言(如C,C++,汇编语言)和高级语言(如shell 编程)的空白。低级语言通常难于编码,并且丑陋, 但速度快,且无限制;高级语言,在速度上,很难超过书写良好的低级语言。在低级语言里,你几乎能完成任何事。高级 语言,正好相反,一般速度慢,困难,丑陋,有限制;如果没有系统提供的函数,shell,批处理语言能完成的工作相当有 限。Perl 简单,几乎是无限制的,速度快,也有些丑陋。
2021-10-06 13:51:20 1.02MB perl
2021-10-02 09:58:20 15.7MB perl
官方最新版的perl编译工具,支持windows 64位操作系统。
2021-09-29 15:57:33 21.34MB perl官方下载
2021-09-29 13:07:13 1.4MB 微信大屏幕
Padre是一款开源的Perl 语言集成开发环境,拥有语法检查、重构工具、语法着色等功能,支持跨平台操作,包括windows、linux、mac等
2021-09-27 21:34:59 39.27MB Padre Perl
2021-09-27 17:37:29 77KB Perl/Tkx genesis 板边脚本
2021-09-27 10:46:16 4KB perl 字符串处理 文件操作
2021-09-27 10:34:46 19.06MB perl 脚本语言
2021-09-26 10:15:34 5.96MB perl 脚本
A Perl expert can solve a problem in a few lines of well-tested code. Now you can unlock these powers for yourself. Modern Perl teaches you how Perl really works. It's the only book that explains Perl thoroughly, from its philosophical roots to the pragmatic decisions that help you solve real problems--and keep them solved. You'll understand how the language fits together and discover the secrets used by the global Perl community. This beloved guide is now completely updated for Perl 5.22. When you have to solve a problem now, reach for Perl. When you have to solve a problem right, reach for Modern Perl. Discover how to scale your skills from one-liners to asynchronous Unicode-aware web services and everything in between. Modern Perl will take you from novice to proficient Perl hacker. You'll see which features of modern Perl will make you more productive, and which features of this well-loved language are best left in the past. Along the way, you'll take advantage of Perl to write well-tested, clear, maintainable code that evolves with you. Learn how the language works, how to take advantage of the CPAN's immense trove of time-tested solutions, and how to write clear, concise, powerful code that runs everywhere. Specific coverage explains how to use Moose, how to write testable code, and how to deploy and maintain real-world Perl applications. This new edition covers the new features of Perl 5.20 and Perl 5.22, including all the new operators, standard library changes, bug and security fixes, and productivity enhancements. It gives you what you need to use the most up-to-date Perl most effectively, all day, every day. What You Need: Perl 5.16 or newer (Perl 5.20 or 5.22 preferred). Installation/upgrade instructions included. Table of Contents Chapter 1. The Perl Philosophy Chapter 2. Perl and Its Community Chapter 3. The Perl Language Chapter 4. Operators Chapter 5. Functions Chapter 6. Regular Expressions and Matching Chapter 7. Objects Chapter 8. Style and
2021-09-24 22:57:08 6.01MB Modern Perl
Perl一行式程序教程,取代grep+sed+awk+cut... 内容详细,循序渐进,示例丰富,解释清晰,是学习Perl一行式的好资料
2021-09-22 22:05:01 650KB Perl 一行式