对线性控制理论的详细介绍,很好的手头书 This book originates from several editions of lecture notes that were used as teaching material for the course ‘Control Theory for Linear Systems’, given within the framework of the national Dutch graduate school of systems and control, in the period from 1987 to 1999. The aim of this course is to provide an extensive treatment of the theory of feedback control design for linear, finite-dimensional, time-invariant state space systems with inputs and outputs.
2021-12-17 02:00:47 1.65MB control theory linear system
fat 和 fat32 文件系统源代码,内附详细的文档和案例,网上不好找的,特地给大家分享
2021-12-17 00:02:50 2.93MB fat file system
模糊集matlab代码她关心 基于模糊的乳腺癌检测专家系统 使用 Python、MATLAB、Tkinter 框架构建 关于项目/研究 乳腺癌是世界上的致命疾病之一,女性人群中的主要死亡病例是由于患部癌组织的检测和报告过程时间过长。 检测疾病的传统模式并不快速,需要时间和特殊的加工方法。 原始数据集最初由一些属性缺失值组成,删除具有缺失属性的示例以创建决策树用于规则库分析。 派生的规则库和数据库(成员函数)被输入到基于 Mamdani 方法的推理引擎中。 从推理引擎获取结果后,进行去模糊化。 执行基于区域中心的去模糊化,最常称为质心方法,以获得用于预测样本的单个清晰输出。 演示 演示.mp4 特征 紧凑而快速 云处理能力 精密准备值 轻量级应用,易于容器化 流程流程 请参阅 FIS 的模糊逻辑和 Mamdani 方法以了解有关该项目的更多信息。 科技 SheCare 建立在以下技术之上: - 用于使用 MATLAB 引擎创建接口、模型和连接的语言。 - 用于创建模糊推理引擎的计算和数学平台,用于输入的模糊化和去模糊化。 - 基于 Py 的包来创建图形用户界面。 安装 SheCare 需
2021-12-16 22:50:15 1.18MB 系统开源
IBM Redbooks _ IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis
2021-12-16 20:54:44 2.09MB IBM Redbooks
这个程序是一个质量弹簧系统的实现。 弹簧是根据胡克定律建模的。 弹簧力的衰减与压缩/拉伸的速度成正比。
2021-12-16 20:12:27 23KB C++
中医智能检索系统 [目录] 简介 中医智能检索系统是一种辅助中医医生开药方的桌面软件,包含录入和检索症状,替代,药方,药材的功能,也具有文献检索功能。 文件 界面设计 打包方法 先安装Pyinstaller,并切换到项目根目录下 pyinstaller -F -w Control.py 生成的文件在根目录dist文件夹下,然后把数据文件夹和.config.ini复制副本到dist中。即可运行。 开发进程 UI界面 修改拖动框的命名方式,同时修改代码中相关的变量 在检索模式下,隐藏+号 在录入模式下,应有编辑和删除按钮 去掉其他三个的表头 模式选择按钮外观似改成RadioButton这样的多选框比较好? 在开方工作区下添加清空和保存按钮 另外可以考虑加个标题 录入药需要选择属性 去掉表头* 3 统一组件名称命名方法并同步修改代码中变量 添加当前位置的文本框(我好像给删了) radiob
2021-12-16 17:16:34 6.82MB 系统开源
Operating Systems-Three Easy Pieces V1.0, 带书签。 To Everyone Welcome to this book! We hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. The book is called Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (available at http://www.ostep.org), and the title is obviously an homage to one of the greatest sets of lecture notes ever created, by one Richard Feynman on the topic of Physics [F96]. While this book will undoubtedly fall short of the high standard set by that famous physicist, perhaps it will be good enough for you in your quest to understand what operating systems (and more generally, systems) are all about.
2021-12-16 16:42:35 4.36MB V1.0 Operating System Three
The ARM processor core is a key component of many successful 32-bit embedded systems. You probably own one yourself and may not even realize it! ARM cores are widely used in mobile phones, handheld organizers, and a multitude of other everyday portable consumer devices. ARM’s designers have come a long way from the first ARM1 prototype in 1985. Over one billion ARM processors had been shipped worldwide by the end of 2001. The ARM company bases their success on a simple and powerful original design, which continues to improve today through constant technical innovation. In fact, the ARM core is not a single core, but a whole family of designs sharing similar design principles and a common instruction set. For example, one of ARM’s most successful cores is the ARM7TDMI. It provides up to 120 Dhrystone MIPS1 and is known for its high code density and low power consumption, making it ideal for mobile embedded devices. In this first chapter we discuss how the RISC (reduced instruction set computer) design philosophy was adapted by ARM to create a flexible embedded processor. We then introduce an example embedded device and discuss the typical hardware and software technologies that surround an ARM processor.
2021-12-16 15:38:22 3.23MB embedded system
PD IEC TS 62196-3-1:2020 Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Part 3-1:Vehicle connector, vehicle inlet and cable assembly for DC charging intended to be used with a thermal management system - 完整英文版(65页).pdf
2021-12-16 15:27:31 3.69MB 资料
是一个可视化的节点式剧情编辑器,使用非常方便,是一个交互式对话和任务系统,可以自行更改UI,适应于2D和3D,这个是2.1.2的版本,解压后便是一个unitypackage,可以直接导入unity。 如果要了解更多,可以于AssetsStore上看看,地址如下: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/ai/dialogue-system-for-unity-11672