切换控制的相关书籍,以下为序言部分翻译: 本书的主体由三部分组成。第一部分介绍读者阅读本书研究的系统类。第二部分致力于切换系统的稳定性理论;它涉及单个和多个Lyapunov函数分析方法,李代数稳定性准则,有限速率切换下的稳定性,以及具有各种有用特殊结构的切换系统。第三部分致力于切换控制设计;它描述了几类广泛的连续时间控制系统,基于逻辑的切换范例作为控制设计工具自然而然地出现,并提出了几个特定问题的切换控制算法,如非完整系统的稳定性,有限信息的控制和切换自适应控制不正当系统
2021-02-18 09:34:59 3.92MB Switching_in_Sys
2021-02-17 10:01:37 6.22MB Python
MIT: Circuits, signals, and systems.pdf
2021-02-15 15:03:52 67.94MB Circuitssystem
The book is centered around three conceptual pieces that are fundamental to operating systems: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. In understanding the conceptual, you will also learn the practical, including how an operating system does things like schedule the CPU, manage memory, and etc
2021-02-11 12:01:12 5.52MB virtualization concurrency persistence english
Locating multiple optimal solutions of nonlinear equation systems based on multiobjective optimization
2021-02-11 09:06:55 2.75MB 研究论文
Data Fusion of Cyber Physical Systems
2021-02-09 22:05:21 2.62MB 研究论文
Optimal Probabilistic Robust Beamforming for MISO SWIPT Systems with Gaussian Channel Uncertainties
2021-02-09 18:05:43 683KB 研究论文
Resource scheduling is one of the most important issues in mobile cloud computing due to the constraints in memory, CPU, and bandwidth. High energy consumption and low performance of memory accesses have become overwhelming obstacles for chip multiprocessor (CMP) systems used in cloud system
2021-02-09 09:07:05 1.23MB Chip multiprocessor (CMP); data
The trade-off between system performance and energy efficiency (service time) is critical for battery-based embedded systems. Most of the previous work focuses on saving energy in a deterministic way by taking the average or worst scenario into account. However, such deterministic approaches usually
2021-02-09 09:06:59 536KB Probabilistic scheduling; real-time embedded
Detecting the collaborative cheating in an online shopping system is an important but challenging issue. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to detect the collusive manipulation on ratings in Amazon, an online shopping system. Rather than focusing on rating values, we believe the online shopp
2021-02-09 09:06:57 197KB Internet; retail data processing;