During the past two decades, the field of medical imaging has achieved dramatic improvements in imaging system capability with accompanying increases in system complexity. Much of this progress has been fueled by advances in computing technology and the widespread adoption of digital techniques for data acquisition, processing and display. Although every branch of medical imaging has been significantly affected, the most striking examples ofthis revolution are x-ray computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Fortunately, a consensus on quantitative measurement methodology for assessing diagnostic imaging technologies has been gradually emerging. It has grown out of the recognition of common features among imaging modalities that allows their limitations to be understood within the framework of statistical decision analysis.
2022-04-12 17:30:18 8.78MB 图像处理 图像质量
电压质量评估模型(内含数据与python代码)。 提供给最终用途设备的电力质量取决于公用事业公司提供的电压质量。如果电压在额定频率下具有额定值,则称其具有质量,而没有任何偏差。
2022-04-11 00:00:30 18.78MB GMP
The structural similarity image quality paradigm is based on the assumption that the human visual system is highly adapted for extracting structural information from the scene, and therefore a measure of structural similarity can provide a good approximation to perceived image quality. This paper proposes a multi-scale structural similarity method, which supplies more flexibility than previous single-scale methods in incorporating the variations of viewing conditions. We develop an image synthesis method to calibrate the parameters that define the relative importance of different scales. Experimental comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
2022-04-10 22:50:33 464KB 图像质量评价
2022-04-10 14:00:11 9.02MB 高考数学
2022-04-10 14:00:10 8.71MB 高考数学
整个It项目开发过程所需的报告都齐全 IT项目计划管理 软件测试管理 软件项目计划书 可行性计划报告书 软件质量保证计划
2022-04-10 01:40:24 711KB IT项目计划管理
2022-04-09 19:18:30 521KB 激光雷达 气溶胶 质量浓度
2022-04-09 14:05:04 859KB 数据质量