2021-09-22 16:01:14 1.69MB 二代身份证 USB驱动 读卡器
I developed this textbook while teaching the course Statistics for Financial Engineering to master’s students in the financial engineering program at Cornell University. These students have already taken courses in portfolio management, fixed income securities, options, and stochastic calculus, so I concentrate on teaching statistics, data analysis, and the use of R, and I cover most sections of Chaps. 4–12 and 18–20. These chapters alone are more than enough to fill a one-semester course. I do not cover regression (Chaps. 9–11 and 21) or the more advanced time series topics in Chap. 13, since these topics are covered in other courses. In the past, I have not covered cointegration (Chap. 15), but I will in the future. The master’s students spend much of the third semester working on projects with investment banks or hedge funds. As a faculty adviser for several projects, I have seen the importance of cointegration.
Linear Algebra Done Right 很经典的一本书 英文 重点放在抽象的向量空间和线性映射上,给出的证明不使用行列式
2021-09-21 04:10:39 3.79MB 线代 答案
2021-09-20 22:02:29 417KB 文档
Wi-Fi 6时的校园无线网络建网标准白皮书V1.0.pdf
2021-09-20 18:01:56 1.44MB
2021全球第三半导体快充产业峰会在深圳成功举办。本次峰会汇聚了众多氮化镓、碳化硅企业,以及多家第三半导体快充控制芯片供应商、方案商等。此次峰会还邀请了10位技术专家介绍最新的快充技术,并分享如何基于氮化镓、碳化硅功率器件实现快充电源的小型化、轻薄化设计。 2021全球第三半导体快充产业峰会PPT汇总,共7份。 1、第三半导体助力国家“双碳”战略 2、电解电容在快充领域的应用 3、东科半导体合封快充方案助力产业加速迭升级 4、基本半导体:碳化硅肖特基二极管在PD快充中的应用 5、推动共享互补的插拔大会 6、SiC二极管在PD快充上的应用 7、Fast Charging andd Environmental Sustainability with GaNFast Power ICs
2021-09-20 13:04:14 17.84MB 全球第三代半导体快充产业峰会 2021
模板是开源的,觉得不放心的自行拿D盾扫一扫! 上传模板到template文件下目录解压, 后台选择"qicai"模板就行了
2021-09-20 00:25:58 20KB php
数控 PLC 开发工具操作手册 SYNTEC OpenCNC PLC 发展工具操作手册 By:syntec 2015/11/13 ver:2.27
2021-09-19 11:30:53 5.93MB 新代数控 PLC 开发 手册
niushop的商业插件 客下单,阿里云短信等插件
射擊遊戲源碼 遊戲說明 PLAYER 1 的鍵盤控制: W - UP S - DOWN A - 左 D - 右 C - 射擊,使用“w”和“s”改變方向。 PLAYER 2 的鍵盤控制: I - UP K - DOWN J - LEFT L - RIGHT M - 射擊,使用“I”和“K”改變方向。 客觀的 殺死你的對手。 玩家每被擊中一次,生命值就會減少 5 點。
2021-09-18 17:02:21 6KB 射擊遊戲 源代碼