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MSP成功的项目群管理V1.2(中英译本) Acknowledgements 感谢 Acknowledgements 感谢 This edition of Managing Successful Programmes updates the 2007 edition following a review of the changes proposed through the Best Management Practice change control system. The Cabinet Office and publishers are grateful to the following fortheir contribution in developing the update, as well as those who worked on the 2007 edition. 以最佳管理实践变更控制系统方式提出的变更并进行审查,《成功的项目群 管理》(2011 版)在 2007 版基本上进行更新。内阁办公厅和出版商感谢以下人 员在开发最新版本方面所作的贡献,同时对那些参与 2007 版本编写的工作人员 表示感谢。 2011 EdITIOn 2011 版 Authoring team 作者团队 2011 EdITIOn 2011 版 Authoring team 作者团队 Rod Sowden, Aspire Europe Ltd Rod Sowden, Aspire 欧洲有限公司 Overall lead author and mentor 主编和顾问 Martin Wolf, Echolot Ltd Martin Wolf, Echolot 有限公司 Principal change author 变更负责人 Garry Ingram, Tanner James Garry Ingram, Tanner James Author 作者 Geof Leigh of Goaldart Ltd Geof Leigh,Goaldart 有限公司 helped with drafting the change control and configuration management sections. 协助起草变更控制和配置管理部分 Project governance 项目治理 Project governance 项目治理 The update project management team comprised: 本书的项目管理团队包括: Mike Acaster, Cabinet Office Project executive Mike Acaster, 项目总监(内阁办公室) Eddie Borup, ibp Senior user Eddie Borup,高级用户(ibp) Janine Eves, TSO Senior supplier Janine Eves, 高级供应商(英国文书局) Neil Glover, TSO Project manager Neil Glover, 项目经理(英国文书局) Richard Pharro, APM Group Senior supplier Richard Pharro, 高级供应商(APMG) Reference and design review group 专家评审团队 Reference and design review group 专家评审团队 The mandate and product description for the new edition were developed with the help of: 参与新版 MSP 的项目授权和产品描述的人员有: Stephen Barney, Core IS; Colin Bartle-Tubbs, cbt Programme Solutions Ltd; Ian Bush, Ministry of Defence; Anne-Marie Byrne, independent consultant; Professor Darren Dalcher, Middlesex University; Dr Bill Egginton, Cranfield Defence & Security; Alan Ferguson, AFA; Alan Harpham, APM Group; Adrian Hicks, Kalamunda Consulting Ltd; Chr
2021-08-26 09:54:20 3.12MB 项目集