Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love 启示录 : 打造用户喜爱的产品 经典的产品管理书籍,豆瓣评分超过9分,找了很久才找到,和大家分享一下 注:此版本为英文版
2019-12-21 21:00:38 9.44MB Inspired 启示录 打造用户喜爱的产品
Summary A Web API is a platform with a web-style interface developers can use to implement functionality. Well-designed APIs feel like a natural extension of the application, rather than just a new interface into the backend database. Designing Web APIs based on use cases allows an organization to develop irresistible APIs, which developers can consume easily and which support the business values of that organization. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology It takes a village to deliver an irresistible web API. Business stakeholders look for an API that works side-by-side with the main product to enhance the experience for customers. Project managers require easy integration with other products or ways for customers to interact with your system. And, developers need APIs to consistently interoperate with external systems. The trick is getting the whole village together. This book shows you how. About the Book Irresistible APIspresents a process to create APIs that succeed for all members of the team. In it, you'll learn how to capture an application's core business value and extend it with an API that will delight the developers who use it. Thinking about APIs from the business point of view, while also considering the end-user experience, encourages you to explore both sides of the design process and learn some successful biz-to-dev communication patterns. Along the way, you'll start to view your APIs as part of your product's core value instead of just an add-on. What's Inside Design-driven development Developing meaningful use cases API guiding principles How to recognize successful APIs About the Reader Written for all members of an API design team, regardless of technical level. About the Author Kirsten Hunter is an API evangelist who helps developers and business stakeholders understand, design, and deliver amazing APIs. Table of Contents Part 1 Understanding web AP
2019-12-21 20:59:16 17.54MB Web APIs Design
我能抽象出整个世界... 但是我不能抽象出你... 因为你在我心中是那么的具体... 所以我的世界并不完整... 我可以重载甚至覆盖这个世界里的任何一种方法... 但是我却不能重载对你的思念... 也许命中注定了 你在我的世界里永远的烙上了静态的属性... 而我不慎调用了爱你这个方法... 当我义无返顾的把自己作为参数传进这个方法时... 我才发现爱上你是一个死循环... 它不停的返回对你的思念压入我心里的堆栈... 在这无尽的黑夜中... 我的内存里已经再也装不下别人... 我不停的向系统申请空间... 但却捕获一个异常---我爱的人不爱我... 为了解决这个异常... 我愿意虚拟出最后一点内存... 把所有我能实现的方法地址压入堆栈... 并且在栈尾压入最后一个方法---将字符串"我爱你,你爱我吗?"传递给你... 如果返回值为真--我将用尽一生去爱你... 否则--我将释放掉所有系资源.
2019-12-21 20:11:55 30KB love
★·°Love" 小程序 绝对壮观! 求爱不程序 Love 表白小程序 小程序 哄女朋友小程序
2019-12-21 19:58:51 12KB 求爱不程序 Love 表白小程序 小程序