Thinking In Java 第四版 练习题答案 (完整版)按章节整理好的
2021-10-16 15:46:57 246KB Thinking In Java 第四版
我所看到的《Thinking in java》的中文版各版本翻译得都不怎么样 语句混乱复杂。此为该书第四版的英文版。
2021-10-15 23:15:54 7.18MB java
【目录】 第1章 对象的演化 第2章 数据抽象 第3章 隐藏实现 第4章 初始化与清除 第5章 函数重载与缺省参数 第6章 输入输出流介绍 第7章 常量 第8章 内联函数 第9章 命名控制 第10章 引用和拷贝构造函数 第11章 运算符重载 第12章 动态对象创建 第13章 继承和组合 第14章 多态和虚函数 第15章 模板和包容器类 第16章 多重继承 第17章 异常处理 第18章 运行时类型识别
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2021-10-09 22:56:11 8.13MB GIS
Thinking Big Data in Geography New Regimes, New Research 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2021-10-09 00:23:43 4.46MB Thinking Big Data Geography
Thinking Architecturally New software technology appears every year. Like clockwork, another language, library, pattern, or approach will arrive on the scene with plenty of hype and developer enthusiasm. As someone whose job requires making architectural decisions, you need to evaluate these new technologies with an eye toward the inevitable tradeoffs before deciding if a new framework or language is right for your project. In this ebook, solution architect Nathaniel Schutta guides tech leads, senior developers, junior developers, and of course, practicing architects through the process of appraising promising new technologies. Recognizing how today’s tech is informed by the past is a key part—some approaches that didn’t work years ago might now have all the ingredients to succeed. You’ll learn how to make effective decisions regarding the use of new tech solutions and explore the value of fitness functions to ensure that your ultimate choice is reflected in the codebase. Get guidelines, techniques, and advice for evaluating new tools and technologies Determine the unique needs your project before deciding which technology to use Examine documentation, codebase, testability, and other criteria when evaluating new tools Learn approaches for introducing new technology to skeptical people in the company and on your team Manage the quality attributes of your system once new technology is introduced Learn practical techniques to stay current in an ever evolving industry
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Thinking In C++(C++编程思想英文版).pdf
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pandas数据科学手册 绝对的好
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大象 Thinking+in+UML 光盘完整版.rar 是谭云杰老师的《大象 Thinking+in+UML》中配套的光盘完整内容,如果大家需要《大象 Thinking+in+UML》这本书可以到我的资源中下载。
2021-09-22 22:58:50 9.34MB 大象 UML 光盘 完整版