本文档从场景划分释义目前市场的智驾相关的功能; 本文档仅限于个人使用,不能用于除个人以外的使用。
2021-10-13 12:01:25 3.91MB 智能驾驶 场景定义
2021-10-13 12:01:25 2.25MB 智能驾驶 人机交互
智能驾驶相关 轨迹跟踪 模型预测 Abstract—Path tracking issues of autonomous ground vehicles (AGVs) have attracted more attention in recent years with the intelligent and electrified development of vehicles. In order to make AGVs path tracking problem more flexible, regional path tracking problem is discussed in this manuscript based on model predictive control (MPC) method, where the front wheel steering angle is regarded as the control variable. The feasible region for AGVs running is determined first according to the detected road boundaries. In the following, AGVs running in this region is considered using kinematic model. Then, in order to make the actual trajectory of AGVs keep in the region and satisfy the safety requirements, MPC method is employed to design path tracking controller considering the vehicle dynamics, the actuator and state constraints. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, simulations under various test conditions are carried out using a high fidelity vehicle simulator veDYNA, where the Hongqi vehicle HQ430 parameters are matched. The results obtained from the simulation illustrate that the proposed algorithm obtains good performance in dealing with the regional path tracking problem.
2021-10-09 19:21:11 848KB 智能驾驶 轨迹跟踪
2021-09-28 18:06:55 2KB 智能网联 交通流 idm 智能驾驶
智能驾驶汽车技术资料合集,共25份。 上汽乘用车:智能驾驶汽车传感器介绍及布置 LG研发成功基于LTE的自动驾驶V2X安全技术!不妨来聊一聊V2X安全技术 AI眼球追踪技术与安全驾驶 自主研发AI芯片对我国自动驾驶产业发展的意义 自动驾驶之高精度地图技术的发展动向 智能网联汽车标准体系 智能驾驶时代,左驾vs右驾背后的故事你确定了解吗? 智能驾驶进程与毫米波雷达技术动态 行业深度,先存再看 智能驾驶前夜 ADAS率先普及的逻辑[汽车精华] 行业内参:VR在汽车领域的开发设计解决方案[VR连载2] 行业内参:VR开发设计方案及案例分析[VR连载3] 浅谈车联网与大数据 汽车行者论坛讲义智能驾驶进程与毫米波雷达技术动态 汽车行者论坛讲义高可靠量产自动驾驶 科普篇:主动转向技术 科普︱百度谷歌无人驾驶原理 科普︱百度谷歌无人驾驶原理 激光雷达(LiDAR)——自动驾驶汽车之眼 谷歌、福特、百度、特斯拉……究竟谁能在无人驾驶领域成为领跑者? 高可靠量产自动驾驶 大众集团2021年部署L5级无人驾驶,究竟L5是什么概念? 车联网生态圈主导者的发展模式解析 10页PPT看清汽车抬头显示的前世今生[汽车精华] 5G是什么?为何能为自动驾驶蓄力? 【解答】为何你看到的“自动驾驶样车”大多是林肯?
2021-09-22 20:01:47 28.21MB 智能驾驶
流量库 使用 Akka 用 Scala 编写的灵活流量建模库 用于模拟纵向动力学的模型 用于换道的模型 可调交通灯
2021-09-18 21:07:25 32KB Scala
2021-09-05 13:02:17 5.62MB 长城哈弗H9 智能驾驶辅助系统
2021-09-05 09:03:48 3.28MB 行业