我的世界最终版 2D
2021-08-21 19:13:29 21.44MB 阿斯顿
2021-08-21 19:13:21 10KB scratch
2D华容道 游戏,适合Cocos进阶版本游戏制作
2021-08-21 14:13:03 62.77MB cocos-creator
2021-08-20 11:11:42 18.35MB 塔防
2021-08-20 01:25:00 3.25MB 1D 2D 3D
Get to grips with NGUI for both PC and mobile devices Create fully functional 2D and 3D cross-platform user interfaces A step-by-step guide, full of examples to help you quickly build widgets and user-friendly GUI for your games NGUI is a robust UI system both powerful and optimized. It is an effective plugin for Unity, which gives you the power to create beautiful and complex user interfaces while reducing performance costs. This book is a practical tutorial that will guide you through creating a fully functional and localized main menu along with 2D and 3D in-game user interfaces. The book starts by teaching you about NGUI's workflow and creating a basic UI, before gradually moving on to building widgets and enhancing your UI. You will then switch to the Android platform to take care of different issues mobile devices may encounter. By the end of this book, you will have the knowledge to create ergonomic user interfaces for your existing and future PC or mobile games and applications developed with Unity 3D and NGUI.
2021-08-19 22:48:24 5.24MB Unity NGUI 3D 2D
LibreCAD:LibreCAD是使用Qt框架以C ++ 11编写的跨平台2D CAD程序。 它可以读取DXF和DWG文件,还可以写入DXF,PDF和SVG文件。 用户界面是高度可定制的,并且具有数十种翻译
2021-08-19 16:00:42 16.46MB drawing qt cad dxf
3D对象追踪 项目描述 该项目的目的是使用来自KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite的摄像机和激光雷达数据序列来估计自动驾驶汽车的碰撞时间。 对于相机图像,我们使用深度学习(YOLO)检测对象,并根据关键点检测,描述和匹配的输入跟踪这些对象。 我们使用YOLO边界框作为参考,将摄像机图像中的区域与3D空间中的激光雷达点相关联。 本地运行的依赖项 cmake> = 2.8 所有操作系统: make> = 4.1(Linux,Mac),3.81(Windows) Linux:大多数Linux发行版默认都安装了make Mac: Windows: OpenCV> = 4.1 必须使用-D OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=ON cmake标志从源代码进行编译,以测试SIFT和SURF检测器。 OpenCV 4.1.0源代码可以在找到 gcc / g ++>
2021-08-19 11:51:12 149.47MB C++
unity2020 亲测可用
2021-08-18 17:43:20 6.46MB 小地图 3D小地图 2d小地图
unity3d tk2d 2DToolkit 1.92 最终正式版
2021-08-18 14:59:54 2.12MB unity3d tk2d 2DToolkit 1.92