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Enterprise Manage 配置成功,出现以下警告: 启动 Database Control 时出错。请执行以下命令。 1)将环境变量 ORACLE_UNQNAME设置为数据库的唯一名称。 2)C:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\emctl.bat start dbconsole
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revit2018二次开发必备工具 addin manager,附安装方法和英文使用教程。
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解决intel management engine interface 驱动打上之后仍然有黄色叹号的问题。
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java课程设计 人事管理系统,实现了添加员工,修改员工,删除员工,查询员工,人员调动及历史查询,人员考核及历史查询,劳资分配及历史查询。
2019-12-21 21:43:02 11KB java manage
Get acquainted with GCP and manage robust, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objective Key Features Identify the strengths, weaknesses and ideal use-cases for individual services offered on the Google Cloud Platform Make intelligent choices about which cloud technology works best for your use-case Leverage Google Cloud Platform to analyze and optimize technical and business processes Book Description Using a public cloud platform was considered risky a decade ago, and unconventional even just a few years ago. Today, however, use of the public cloud is completely mainstream – the norm, rather than the exception. Several leading technology firms, including Google, have built sophisticated cloud platforms, and are locked in a fierce competition for market share. The main goal of this book is to enable you to get the best out of the GCP, and to use it with confidence and competence. You will learn why cloud architectures take the forms that they do, and this will help you become a skilled high-level cloud architect. You will also learn how individual cloud services are configured and used, so that you are never intimidated at having to build it yourself. You will also learn the right way and the right situation in which to use the important GCP services. By the end of this book, you will be able to make the most out of Google Cloud Platform design. What you will learn Set up GCP account and utilize GCP services using the cloud shell, web console, and client APIs Harness the power of App Engine, Compute Engine, Containers on the Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Functions Pick the right managed service for your data needs, choosing intelligently between Datastore, BigTable, and BigQuery Migrate existing Hadoop, Spark, and Pig workloads with minimal disruption to your existing data infrastructure, by using Dataproc intelligently Derive insights about the health, performance, and availability of cloud-powered applications with the help of monitoring,
2019-12-21 21:07:24 9.26MB google gcp
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Unisphere Service Manager(USM)是一个基于Java的桌面应用程序,它能帮助我们升级、安装和维护存储系统的硬件和软件。支持「EMC VNX、CX4、CX3、CX」系列硬件存儲。
2019-12-21 19:31:57 53.4MB Unisphere EMC