与传统的通信技术相比,扩频通信的优点主要在于抗干扰效果良好、功率谱密度低和保密性好等优点。这种技术不仅在军事中发挥作用,在民用通信系统中也得到了广泛的应用。目前对扩频系统的研究多数是基于理论仿真和实际应用相结合,本文主要对扩频通信进行理论研究和仿真。 扩频通信技术是一种信息传输方式,其信号所占有的频带宽度远大于所传信息必需的最小带宽;频带的扩展是通过一个独立的码序列来完成,用编码及调制的方法来实现的,与所传信息数据无关;在接收端则用同样的码进行相关同步接收、解扩及恢复所传信息数据。 本文用MATLAB的编程方法描述了扩频通信系统的发送和接收过程,以CDMA通信系统为背景,通过MATLAB编程对扩频码的小m序列和Gold序列进行设计仿真及性能分析,理论解释扩频码中m序列和Gold序列是如何产生的以及他们之间的关系和相关性。本文采用的调制方式是BPSK调制,小m序列扩频调制和Gold序列扩频调制,并对两种扩频方式进行蒙特卡洛误差分析,并分析两个序列的相关特性,加深了对扩频码的理解,这对将来做更深一步的研究是有积极意义的。
2021-05-10 17:01:15 31.22MB 扩频通信 小M序列 Gold序列 MATLAB
SerialATA_Revision_3_2_Gold(with Links)
2021-05-06 16:04:08 9.04MB SATA
CCDC GOLD Suite 5.3 linux版 分子模型研究软件,分子对接模拟软件,包括安装包授权文件和补丁,补丁解压密码xiaoqq@foxmail.com GOLD has proven success in virtual screening, lead optimisation, and identifying the correct binding mode of active molecules. Comprehensively validated and widely used, GOLD enables you to make confident binding mode predictions, and achieve high database enrichments. GOLD reliably identifies the correct binding mode for a large range of test set cases, and has been shown to perform favourably against other docking tools in numerous independent studies. GOLD is highly configurable allowing you to take full advantage of your knowledge of a protein-ligand system in order to maximise docking performance. GOLD enables complete user control over speed versus accuracy settings, from efficient virtual screening of large compound libraries, to highly accurate exhaustive sampling for lead optimisation. With a wide range of available scoring functions and customisable docking protocols, GOLD provides consistently high performance across a diverse range of receptor types. GOLD accounts for receptor flexibility through side-chain flexibility and most importantly ensemble docking. Using a novel methodology which avoids computationally expensive sequential docking of ligands into multiple protein structures, ensemble docking with GOLD solves the challenge of model selection. A wide range of constraints can be employed to ensure, for example, that key H-bond interactions are fulfilled, or to bias docking results towards a known binding motif. Unfavourable ligand conformations can be eliminated by utilising customisable torsion angle distributions and an extensive library of ring conformations extracted from the Cambridge Structural Database.
2021-05-02 14:01:56 285.84MB CCDC 分子模拟对接
压缩包里包含m序列的生成函数,gold序列的生成函数, 相关函数的matlab M 文件。
2021-04-27 22:38:09 1KB m序列 gold序列 相关函数
MATLAB实现了直序跳时跳频以及M序列GOLD序列等的产生-用MATLAB实现了直序、跳时、跳频以及M序列,GOLD序列等的产生.rar MATLAB实现了直序、跳时、跳频以及M序列,GOLD序列等的产生
2021-04-24 21:57:36 12KB matlab
Wireless Communications-Andrea Goldsmith 无线通信经典书籍,英文原版书籍,被奉为无线通信的圣经
2021-04-14 15:24:27 5.49MB wireless com
Gold 序列产生及DS-SS扩频,用Matlab的M语言产生以及实现,绘出了其互相关,自相关函数曲线以及ds-ss时域波形
2021-04-13 11:51:51 2KB Gold,ds-ss
Andrea Goldsmith】无线通信,经典教材,原版也是网络上下载的资源,加了目录。想要一些积分来下载别的资源,谢谢大家~
2021-04-06 16:16:41 3.4MB Andrea Goldsmith 无线通信 英文版
Gold码扩频序列串行捕获MATLAB代码(Gold Code Spread Spectrum Sequence Serial Acquisition MATLAB Code)
2021-03-27 18:04:28 14KB matlab 扩频