2022-11-25 21:37:21 141KB ccdc
gee-ccdc-工具 关于 该存储库托管着一组旨在与Google Earth Engine(GEE)中的CCDC算法的输出进行交互的工具和应用程序的快照。 它还托管了这些工具和实用程序的文档(进行中)。 要直接在GEE中访问存储库的最新版本,请单击 要访问Google Earth Engine应用程序以探索Landsat观测值和CCDC系数的时间序列,请单击 引文 Arévalo,P.,Bullock,EL,Woodcock,CE,Olofsson,P.(2020年)。 一套用于在Google Earth Engine中进行持续土地变化监测的工具。 气候前沿。
2022-05-31 12:12:19 47.07MB JavaScript
CCDC工具 中大西洋大学网络防御竞赛的开源工具
2022-03-28 10:29:00 595KB
2021-11-01 21:02:52 6KB ccdc gold cadd 分子对接
2021-08-27 16:50:27 481KB CCDC 十字路口检测 霍夫变换 层次聚类
早期影像变化监测matlab代码中央结算公司 使用所有可用Landsat数据开发的用于土地覆被的连续变化检测和分类(CCDC)的算法。 如有任何疑问,请联系康涅狄格大学自然资源与环境系的Zhe Zhu()。 CCDC软件现已在线可用! 用于更改检测软件的最新13.01 CCDC软件是。 它适用于“分析就绪”数据和“收集1”数据。 它仅适用于64位Linux计算机。 目前没有提供分类软件,因为它需要训练数据才能运行该软件。 的,也提供了CCDC Assistor 1.02,它是一个用户界面工具,用于协助CCDC进行数据准备和地图提取(更多功能正在开发中)。 请注意,CCDC的输出将是数千个Matlab文件,其中包含每种时间序列模型的各种信息,如下所示: “ t_start”:时间序列模型启动时 “ t_end”:时间序列模型结束时 “ t_break”:观察到第一个中断(更改)时 “系数”:每个光谱带的每个时间序列模型的系数。 行是a0 c1 a1 b1 a2 b2 a3 b3(Zhu and Woodcock,2014,2015)。 列分别指的是蓝色,绿色,红色,NIR,SWIR1,S
2021-06-17 09:05:17 1.19MB 系统开源
CCDC GOLD Suite 5.3 linux版 分子模型研究软件,分子对接模拟软件,包括安装包授权文件和补丁,补丁解压密码 GOLD has proven success in virtual screening, lead optimisation, and identifying the correct binding mode of active molecules. Comprehensively validated and widely used, GOLD enables you to make confident binding mode predictions, and achieve high database enrichments. GOLD reliably identifies the correct binding mode for a large range of test set cases, and has been shown to perform favourably against other docking tools in numerous independent studies. GOLD is highly configurable allowing you to take full advantage of your knowledge of a protein-ligand system in order to maximise docking performance. GOLD enables complete user control over speed versus accuracy settings, from efficient virtual screening of large compound libraries, to highly accurate exhaustive sampling for lead optimisation. With a wide range of available scoring functions and customisable docking protocols, GOLD provides consistently high performance across a diverse range of receptor types. GOLD accounts for receptor flexibility through side-chain flexibility and most importantly ensemble docking. Using a novel methodology which avoids computationally expensive sequential docking of ligands into multiple protein structures, ensemble docking with GOLD solves the challenge of model selection. A wide range of constraints can be employed to ensure, for example, that key H-bond interactions are fulfilled, or to bias docking results towards a known binding motif. Unfavourable ligand conformations can be eliminated by utilising customisable torsion angle distributions and an extensive library of ring conformations extracted from the Cambridge Structural Database.
2021-05-02 14:01:56 285.84MB CCDC 分子模拟对接