基于TI的CC254x BLE 芯片开发的BLE master slave switch,保护完整的工程文件 /************************************************************************************************** Filename: simpleBLEPeripheral.c Revised: $Date: 2010-08-06 08:56:11 -0700 (Fri, 06 Aug 2010) $ Revision: $Revision: 23333 $ Description: This file contains the Simple BLE Peripheral sample application for use with the CC2540 Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol Stack.
2021-11-02 19:04:55 3.49MB BLE CC2540
2021-11-02 17:04:17 25.97MB 逻辑分析仪
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2021-11-02 09:53:37 838KB java 联通 SGIP 1.2
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2021-11-01 23:49:25 573KB 解压密码
2021-11-01 22:30:14 7.92MB Greenplum 中文
2021-11-01 21:00:57 19.87MB erlang
2021-11-01 20:05:40 24.93MB .Net运行库
Pack has animated hands with 18 types of weapons all weapons with hands are in different meshes. Hands have 10 types of colors, if you are unsure of the purchase, you can write to me and I will send you a model for the test. 1.FPS hands and a Automatic rifle contain 12 animations 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Idle other 8Recharge 9Run 10Shot 11Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:15,974 Tris:27,463 Verts:14,244 2.FPS hands and a axe 1Get 2Idle 3Idle other 4Walk 5Run 6Attack 7Attack2 8Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,636 Tris:2,712 Verts:1,446 3.Hands and a Flashlight 1Get 2Idle 3Walk 4Run 5Attack 6Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,601 Tris:1,601 Verts:914 4.FPS hands and a Grenade 1Get 2Idle 3Throw 4Walk 5Run PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:1,577 Tris:2,894 Verts:1,457 5.FPS Hands and Grenade-Gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Run 9Shot 10Walk PBR textures(Metallic Sheder) PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:12,574 Tris:22,072 Verts:11,614 6.FPS hands and a Gun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Shot End 4Aiming Walk 5Get 6Hide 7Idle 8Idle other 9Recharge 10Run 11Shot 12shot end 13Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:2,690 Tris:4,844 Verts:2,677 7.FPS hands and a Knife 1Get 2Idle 3Idle other 4Walk 5Run 6Attack 7Attack2 8Hide PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:777 Tris:1,336 Verts:671 8.FPS hands and a Shotgun 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Aiming Walk 4Get 5Hide 6Idle 7Idle other 8Recharge end 9Recharge 10Recharge beginning 11Shot 12Run 13Walk PBR textures. -Albedo -AO -Metallic -Normal (all 2048-2048 size) Polys:4,883 Tris:8,036 Verts:4,120 9.FPS hands and a Sniper Rifle 1Aiming Idle 2Aiming Shot 3Recharge
2021-11-01 20:05:35 99B unity
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