2020-01-03 11:24:48 10.42MB 开关电源
老美哈佛教授写的确实经典!!!!!!!!!Thisbook,craftedandtestedwithMITsophomoresinelectricalengineeringandcomputer science over a period of more than six years, provides a comprehensive treatment of both circuit analysis and basic electronic circuits. Examples such as digital and analog circuit applications, field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers provide the platform for modelingofactivedevices, includinglarge-signal, small-signal(incremental), nonlinearand piecewise-linearmodels. Thetreatmentofcircuitswithenergy-storageelementsintransient and sinusoidal-steady-state circumstances is thorough and accessible. Having taught from draftsofthisbookfivetimes,Ibelievethatitisanimprovementoverthetraditionalapproach to circuits and electronics, in which the focus is on analog circuits alone.’’
2020-01-03 11:23:09 6.96MB 模数电路 电子基础
2020-01-03 11:21:24 29.99MB 数字信号处理
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems provides an exciting and challenging laboratory component for undergraduate digital logic and computer design courses. The more advanced topics and exercises also make this text useful for upper level courses in digital logic or programmable logic. Design engineers working in industry will want to consider this text for a rapid introduction to PPLD technology and logic synthesis using commercial CAD tools. Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems includes two tutorials on the Altera CAD tool environment, an overview of programmable logic, and a design library with several easy-to-use input and output functions. These features were developed to help students get started quickly. Early design examples use schematic capture and library components. VHDL is used for more complex designs after a short introduction to VHDL-based synthesis. The approach used in this text reflects contemporary practice in industry more accurately than the more traditional TTL protoboard-based laboratory courses. Designs containing up to twenty thousand gates are possible with the Altera Student Version CAD tools and the UP 1 board. Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems contains a number of interesting and challenging laboratory projects involving serial communications, state machines with video output, video games and graphics, simple computers, keyboard and mouse interfaces, robotics, and a RISC processor core. These projects were all developed on the student version of the Altera CAD tools and can be implemented on the Altera UP 1 board.
2020-01-03 11:16:44 23.62MB Rapid Prototyping Digital Systems
数字预失真的硬件评估套件,包括原理图,PCB layout,和控制评估软件。
2020-01-03 11:16:17 63.56MB DPD Hardware pcb layout
《VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems》some ppts, exam paper & solutions from University of Minnesota^_^ Download it if you need it~ Have fun~~
2019-12-21 22:25:23 8.8MB DSP VLSI
2019-12-21 22:24:26 5.47MB 同步 Digital Recevier
Serial_Digital_Scope V2的真正破解版,无波特率限制,无COM口限制,亲测可行! 这个工具能显示串口发来的数据,并绘制出波形图,支持4通道,非常的好用! 需要配合Serial_Digital_Scope V2安装包里的协议文件编写单片机串口协议才能正确发送数据到Serial_Digital_Scope V2。 因为资源来之不易,分高了点,多包涵!
2019-12-21 22:23:59 819KB Serial Digital Scope V2
英文版【著】(美)John G.Proakis 中文版【译】张力军 张宗橙 郑宝玉等 本资源是英文版,给出了章节的习题答案,最后指出原英文版中错误的地方并进行了修正,习题解答也同样适用于中文版。
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing Second Edition by Steven W. Smith California Technical Publishing San Diego, California **纯PDF版、非扫描版、非影印版** Contents at a Glance FOUNDATIONS Chapter 1. The Breadth and Depth of DSP Chapter 2. Statistics, Probability and Noise Chapter 3. ADC and DAC Chapter 4. DSP Software FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 5. Linear Systems Chapter 6. Convolution Chapter 7. Properties of Convolution Chapter 8. The Discrete Fourier Transform Chapter 9. Applications of the DFT Chapter 10. Fourier Transform Properties Chapter 11. Fourier Transform Pairs Chapter 12. The Fast Fourier Transform Chapter 13. Continuous Signal Processing DIGITAL FILTERS Chapter 14. Introduction to Digital Filters Chapter 15. Moving Average Filters Chapter 16. Windowed-Sinc Filters Chapter 17. Custom Filters Chapter 18. FFT Convolution Chapter 19. Recursive Filters Chapter 20. Chebyshev Filters Chapter 21. Filter Comparison APPLICATIONS Chapter 22. Audio Processing Chapter 23. Image Formation and Display Chapter 24. Linear Image Processing Chapter 25. Special Imaging Techniques Chapter 26. Neural Networks (and more!) Chapter 27. Data Compression Chapter 28. Digital Signal Processors Chapter 29. Getting Started with DSPs COMPLEX TECHNIQUES Chapter 30. Complex Numbers Chapter 31. The Complex Fourier Transform Chapter 32. The Laplace Transform Chapter 33. The z-Transform Glossary Index
2019-12-21 22:22:22 12.18MB digital signal processing