React很酷的音乐播放器 自适应音频播放组件,适用于PC和移动设备。 所有图标和文本都是可定制的。 主题颜色可以修改。 支持歌词的同步滚动。 | 功能 适用于PC和移动设备。 在移动设备上支持播放详细信息页面的弹出窗口。 播放控制 上一首,下一首 暂停 滚动或单击歌曲的进度条以实现音乐的快进和快退。 滚动歌词以定位播放位置,并实现快进和快退功能。 播放,删除播放列表中的音乐,并突出显示当前正在播放的音乐。 音量控制 拖动,单击音量控制栏以控制音量。 单击音量图标以切换静音状态。 状态显示 封面图片在播放音乐时旋转,在音乐暂停时停止旋转。 显
2021-10-09 17:00:49 306KB react hooks typescript music-player
用于React组件包装器 例子 位于src/examples/ 在此使用以下示例 可编辑的数学字段 import React , { useState } from 'react' import { addStyles , EditableMathField } from 'react-mathquill' // inserts the required css to the <head> block. // you can skip this, if you want to do that by yourself. addStyles ( ) const EditableMathExample = ( ) => { const [ latex , setLatex ] = useState ( '\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}\\cdot 2' ) return ( < EditableMathField latex = { latex } onChange = { ( mathField ) =
2021-10-09 11:42:46 100KB react latex math react-component
使用Web Speech API为React应用加入语音功能
2021-10-09 11:38:27 53KB React开发-音频/视频
Develop efficient and modern Full Stack applications using Spring Boot2 and React Key Features Develop resourceful backends using Spring Boot and faultless frontends using React. Explore the techniques involved in creating a full stack app by going through a methodical approach. Learn to add CRUD functionalities and use Material UI in the user interface to make it more user-friendly. Book Description Apart from knowing how to write front-end and server-end code, a full-stack engineer has to tackle all the problems that are encountered in the application development lifecycle, starting from a simple idea to UI design, technical design, and all the way to implementing, testing, production deployment and monitoring. This book covers the full set of technologies that you need to know to become a full-stack web developer with Spring Boot for the backend and React for the frontend. This comprehensive guide demonstrates how to build up a modern full stack app in practice. This book will teach you how to build REST API endpoints and work with the Data Access Layer of Spring using Hibernate as the ORM. As we move ahead, you will be introduced to the other components of Spring such as Spring Security that will teach you how to secure the backend and also how to test it. Then, we will move on to the frontend where you will be introduced to React- a modern JavaScript library for building fast and reliable user interfaces and its app development environment and components. We will also create a Docker container from our application. Finally, the book will lay out the best practices that underpin professional full-stack web development. By the end of this book, you will master the process of full stack development by leveraging the power of Spring boot and React What you will learn Learn how to create a RESTful Web Service with Spring Boot. Understand how to use React for front-end programming. Gain knowledge of how to create unit tests using JUnit. Discover the techniques
2021-10-08 21:55:31 13.06MB java spring5 springboot2 react
React17,React ,Hook,TS4 Jira企业项目 ,无锁源码,14章
2021-10-08 20:46:35 78B react React17 Hook
2021-10-08 17:05:46 275KB react
Django-React集成方法 项目资源包括两个部分: djsrc /-使用django-admin startproject引导的最简单的Django项目。 为了更好地分割配置和设置文件,对项目结构进行了略微修改。 front-end /-基于弹出的Create React App的项目的前端部分,具有修改后的配置脚本(消除了运行单独的前端服务器(Webpack Dev Server)的需要,等等) 如何运行 克隆仓库 cd djsrc/并启动virtualenv。 例如使用pipenv pipenv shell 安装依赖项并运行django dev服务器 pip install -r requirements.txt ./ runserver 然后打开一个单独的终端: cd ../front-end npm install npm start 前端说明 基
2021-10-08 16:01:03 211KB django integration create-react-app reactjs
2021-10-08 14:19:23 366KB react-native
Echarts-based-on-React 项目运行 1.git clone Project Code: git clone 2.Entry Project Path cd Echarts-based-on-React 3.Installation dependent packet npm install project and view npm run start 访问 会自动打开浏览器访问) 通过 npm run build 编译生成的dist文件夹放在服务器即可正常访问 项目介绍 本项目主要是向大家分享echarts 基于React 如何开发,提供一种解决方案, 支持提供完整的柱状图、折线图、散点图、漏斗图、仪表盘、地图下钻等, 具体报表配置请参考百度
2021-10-08 11:06:30 2.9MB JavaScript
DrugCell:用于药物React预测的可见神经网络模型 DrugCell 是一种基于神经网络的可解释模型,可预测细胞对多种药物的React。 与完全连接的神经网络不同,DrugCell 中神经元的连接反映了生物层次结构(例如基因本体论),因此在模型训练期间,信息仅在具有已知层次关系的子系统(或通路)之间传播。 框架的此功能允许识别层次结构中对模型的预测很重要的子系统,从而有必要进一步研究细胞对治疗的React的潜在生物学机制。 DrugCell 模型的当前版本 (v1.0) 使用 1,235 个肿瘤细胞系和 684 种药物的 509,294(细胞系、药物)对进行训练。 从癌症数据库中的药物敏感性基因组学(GDSC)和癌症治疗React门户网站(CTRP)v2中检索训练数据。 DrugCell 使用其基因型表征每个细胞系; 每个细胞的特征向量是一个二元向量,代表癌症中前 15% 最常
2021-10-07 10:26:57 7.29MB Python