This is a sequel to the book “Programming the Boundary Element Method” by G. Beerpublished by Wiley in 2001. The scope of this book is different however and this is reflected in the title. Whereas the previous book concentrated on explaining the implementation of a limited range of problems into computer code and the emphasis was on programming, in the current book the problems covered are xtended, the emphasis is on explaining the theory and computer code is not presented for all topics. The new topics covered range from dynamics to piezo-electricity. However, the main idea, to provide an explanation of the Boundary Element Method (BEM), that is easy for engineers and scientists to follow, is retained. This is achieved by explaining some aspects of the method in an engineering rather than mathematical way. Another new feature of the book is that it deals with the implementation of the method on parallel processing hardware. I. M. Smith, who has been involved in programming the finite element method for decades, illustrates that the BEM is “embarrassingly parallelisable”. It is shown that the conversion of the BEM programs to run efficiently on parallel processing hardware is not too difficult and the results are very impressive, such as solving a 20 000 element problem during a “coffee break”. Due to the fact that, compared to the Finite Element Method, a significantly smaller group of people are working in this field the development of the method is lagging considerably behind. The often quoted comparison that the method is a “Cinderella”, dominated by her “big sister”, the Finite Element Method, and whose beauty is hidden away, is still true and we hope that the reader will see the beauty of the method in the examples on industrial applications and the advanced topics presented at the end. The book includes some innovative development work carried out by the small but very active group at the Institute for Structural Analysis, Graz University of Technology, Austr
2021-08-03 20:43:36 5.15MB 边界元 代码
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2021-08-02 15:09:16 12.45MB GIS 遥感 Shapefile
支持向量数据描述(Support Vector Data Description,SVDD)是一种单值分类算法,能够实现目标样本和非目标样本的区分。 该代码实现了libsvm-3.23工具箱中SVDD的决策边界可视化,其实现流程为: 1. 建立训练集的SVDD超球体模型 2. 利用网格法填充训练集区域 3. 预测每个网格点的得分 4. 根据网格点得分绘制等高线 5. 绘制决策边界 利用香蕉数据集进行示例,给出了"欠拟合"、“正常”和“过拟合”情况下的SVDD决策边界可视化结果以及测试集的预测结果。
2021-08-01 16:52:11 581KB SVDD MATLAB 决策边界 可视化
matlab的egde源代码 IB2d 作者:Nicholas A. Battista,博士电子邮件: 网站: 部门:数学与统计() 院校:新泽西学院() 一种易于使用的2D浸入边界方法,在MATLAB和Python中具有完整的实现,其中包含60多个内置示例,包括纤维结构模型和对流扩散的多个选项,Boussinesq逼近和/或人工强迫。 如果您将此软件用于研究,教育或娱乐目的,请告知Nick Battista()! 如果您使用该代码进行研究,请引用以下论文: NA Battista,AJ Baird,LA Miller,用于肌肉-流体结构模拟的数学模型和MATLAB代码,Integ。 比较生物学55(5):901-911(2015), NA Battista,WC Strickland,LA Miller,IB2d:沉浸边界方法的Python和MATLAB实现,《生物灵感与生物仿制药》 12(3):036003(2017), NA Battista,WC Strickland,A.Barrett,LA Miller,IB2d重新加载:沉浸式边界方法的功能更强大的Python和MATLA
2021-07-30 23:41:48 14.75MB 系统开源
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