OpenStack Networking Cookbook.pdf
2022-03-08 09:43:45 15.15MB OpenStack Networking
马里兰大学的新书。主要作者 K. J. R. Liu, A. K. Sadek, W. Su, A. Kwasinski; Presenting the fundamental principles of cooperative communications and networking, this book treats the concepts of space, time, frequency diversity, and MIMO, with a holistic approach to principal topics where significant improvements can be obtained. Beginning with background and MIMO systems, Part I includes a review of basic principles of wireless communications, space–time diversity and coding, and broadband space–time–frequency diversity and coding. Part II then goes on to present topics on physical layer cooperative communications, such as relay channels and protocols, performance bounds, optimum power control, multi-node cooperation, distributed space–time and space–frequency coding, relay selection, differential cooperative transmission, and energy efficiency. Finally, Part III focuses on cooperative networking including cooperative and content–aware multiple access, distributed routing, source–channel coding, source–channel diversity, coverage expansion, broadband cooperative communications, and network lifetime maximization.
2022-02-15 08:20:20 1.22MB 通信 网络优化
Netmaker是用于创建和管理虚拟网络的工具。 目标是使非联网人员轻松实现虚拟/覆盖/网状联网。 就像单击按钮一样,将所有计算机通过安全,快速,专用的网络连接在一起,并通过中央服务器管理多个网络。 什么是Netmaker? Netmaker是用于创建和管理虚拟网络的工具。 目标是使非联网人员轻松实现虚拟/覆盖/网状联网。 就像单击一个按钮一样。 Netmaker由服务器,代理和UI组成。 您启动Netmaker服务器,然后在计算机上安装netclient(代理)。 Netmaker将完成其余的工作。 它有
2022-02-14 15:00:06 268KB Golang Networking
Linux Kernel Networking takes you on a guided in-depth tour of the current Linux networking implementation and the theory behind it. Linux kernel networking is a complex topic, so the book won't burden you with topics not directly related to networking. This book will also not overload you with cumbersome line-by-line code walkthroughs not directly related to what you're searching for; you'll find just what you need, with in-depth explanations in each chapter and a quick reference at the end of each chapter. Linux Kernel Networking is the only up-to-date reference guide to understanding how networking is implemented, and it will be indispensable in years to come since so many devices now use Linux or operating systems based on Linux, like Android, and since Linux is so prevalent in the data center arena, including Linux-based virtualization technologies like Xen and KVM.
2022-02-06 15:54:08 7.8MB Linux Networking Theory
Azure虚拟数据中心实验室 内容 4.1:启用网络监视程序 4.2:NSG流日志 4.3:跟踪下一跳信息 4.4:Azure Monitor的指标和警报 4.5:使用Azure Monitor诊断 实验5:VDC环境中的身份 5.1:配置用户和组 5.2:将用户和角色分配给资源组 5.3:测试用户和组访问 退役实验室 结论 有用的参考 VDC实验室介绍 该实验指南允许用户部署和测试完整的Microsoft Azure虚拟数据中心(VDC)环境。 VDC不是特定的Azure产品。 相反,它是功能和特性的组合,可以满足云中现代应用程序环境的要求。 有关VDC的更多信息,请参见以下链接: [ ] 在继续此实验之前,请确保您已满足
2022-01-28 01:11:28 1.18MB Shell
2022-01-12 09:10:06 2.86MB Network 计算机网络 习题答案 PDF
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) with OpenStack-Packt Publishing(2016)
2022-01-12 00:03:06 14.84MB OPENSTACK SDN
WiFi Aware遵循NAN协议,是WiFi联盟的标准协议。基于临近感知的WiFi设备发现和服务发现。
2022-01-06 10:18:33 4.47MB WiFi Aware NAN
官方离线安装包,测试可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
2022-01-03 09:02:28 970KB rpm