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2020-03-17 03:12:03 190KB Java xml-apis.jar
本书向读者介绍了什么是REST、什么是面向资源的架构(Resource-Oriented Architecture,ROA)、REST式设计的优点、REST式Web服务的真实案例分析、如何用各种流行的编程语言编写Web服务客户端、如何用三种流行的框架(Ruby on Rails、Restlet和Django)实现REST式服务等。不仅讲解REST与面向资源的架构(ROA)的概念与原理,还向读者介绍如何编写符合REST风格的Web 2.0应用。本书详实、易懂,实战性强,提供了大量RESTful Web服务开发的最佳实践和指导,适合广大的Web开发人员、Web架构师及对Web开发或Web架构感兴趣的广大技术人员与学生阅读。
2020-02-06 03:01:06 25.27MB RESTful Web APIs中文版 带书签
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2020-01-06 03:06:58 107KB xml-apis
Java(TM) EE 8 Specification APIs,即Java(TM) EE 8规范API。本CHM文档是根据由javadoc(1.8.0_144)于2017年9月生成的HTML文档制作而成的,原版英文文档。
2020-01-03 11:39:43 8.08MB Java EE API
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利用Core Audio APIs 实现win7下单独控制麦克风,扬声器静音。 该源码里面还有使用mixer实现xp下静音操作和音量控制。
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Reusable Firmware Development A Practical Approach to APIs, HALs and Drivers 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2019-12-21 21:22:34 7.55MB Reusable Firmware Development Practical
Summary A Web API is a platform with a web-style interface developers can use to implement functionality. Well-designed APIs feel like a natural extension of the application, rather than just a new interface into the backend database. Designing Web APIs based on use cases allows an organization to develop irresistible APIs, which developers can consume easily and which support the business values of that organization. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology It takes a village to deliver an irresistible web API. Business stakeholders look for an API that works side-by-side with the main product to enhance the experience for customers. Project managers require easy integration with other products or ways for customers to interact with your system. And, developers need APIs to consistently interoperate with external systems. The trick is getting the whole village together. This book shows you how. About the Book Irresistible APIspresents a process to create APIs that succeed for all members of the team. In it, you'll learn how to capture an application's core business value and extend it with an API that will delight the developers who use it. Thinking about APIs from the business point of view, while also considering the end-user experience, encourages you to explore both sides of the design process and learn some successful biz-to-dev communication patterns. Along the way, you'll start to view your APIs as part of your product's core value instead of just an add-on. What's Inside Design-driven development Developing meaningful use cases API guiding principles How to recognize successful APIs About the Reader Written for all members of an API design team, regardless of technical level. About the Author Kirsten Hunter is an API evangelist who helps developers and business stakeholders understand, design, and deliver amazing APIs. Table of Contents Part 1 Understanding web AP
2019-12-21 20:59:16 17.54MB Web APIs Design
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