仅用于Windows 64b. matlab2013b!! 1)替换java\jar\install.jar,注意备份原文件 2) 输入破解码 3) 选择非网络激活,用文件matlab_std.dat 4) 替换文件MATLAB\R2013b\bin\win64\libmwservices.dll
2019-12-21 19:25:17 1.19MB matlab 2013b windows 64bit
2019-12-21 19:23:24 9.09MB 三星110s1j
本补丁利用PHP方式实现密码修改,如果已经被mod_cgi.so搞得晕头转向,可以试试这个。 它适用于VisualSVN v3.5.x 64bit版本(实测3.5.3和3.5.8可用),在Win7 64bit和Windows 2008 R2系统中测试通过。 使用方法: 1. 将补丁中的所有文件夹复制到VisualSVN安装目录下,覆盖原来的文件。 2. 修改htdocs文件夹中的pwd.php文件,将第4行的$htpasswdPath改为实际的路径。 3. 重新启动VisualSVN Server。 4. 网页浏览器访问SVN服务器,在页面右上角多了一项“修改密码”。
2019-12-21 18:56:25 3.71MB VisualSVN Server 修改密码
gnuplot5.0.5 windows安装包 亲测可用,一个好用的画图软件
2019-12-21 18:56:10 18.52MB gnuplot 安装包 windows 64bit
使用教程:http://cloverio.com/?p=222 飞凌FL2440 Win7 64Bit USB驱动
2019-12-21 18:55:32 674KB 飞凌FL2440 Win7 64Bit USB驱动
saleae逻辑分析仪应用软件Logic Setup 1.1.16 32bit&64bit;
2019-12-21 18:54:58 25.22MB saleae Logic
SYBASE_ASE 15.7.0 for windows 64bit 客户端
2019-12-21 18:54:38 48B SYBASE ASE 64
SAP .Net Nco 3.0.21 Windows 全平台 32bit 64bit SAP ERP vs None SAP ERP connection
2019-12-21 18:52:36 18.83MB SAP ERP .NET C#
Highest Level of Accuracy - Asprise OCR can easily recognize difficult documents of poor image quality; Excellent Format Retention - Text layouts on the input documents are preserved; High Speed - Asprise OCR uses optimized OCR engine to perform excellent recognition in very short time; Ease of Use - We strive to make the developer's life easier. Complex parameter configurations are removed from Asprise OCR SDK. You only have to supply the image document. Asprise OCR can intelligently determine the best setting internally. Barcode Recognition - Beside characters (letters and numbers), Asprise OCR can recognize almost every kind of bar code. You can choose to recognize barcode or characters or both.
2019-12-21 18:51:32 2.57MB Asprise OCR v4.0 for
office project 2013 64bit__6
2019-12-21 18:50:31 50MB office project