FLUENT 2020R2 tutorial guide PDF及案例源文件
1.What’s In This Manual
The ANSYS Fluent Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials that teach you how to use ANSYS Flu-
ent to solve different types of problems. In each tutorial, features related to problem setup and postpro-
cessing are demonstrated.
2. How To Use This Manual
Depending on your familiarity with computational fluid dynamics and the ANSYS Fluent software, you
can use this tutorial guide in a variety of ways.
2.1. For the Beginner
If you are a beginning user of ANSYS Fluent you should first read and solve Tutorial 1, in order to fa-
miliarize yourself with the interface and with basic setup and solution procedures.You may then
want to try a tutorial that demonstrates features that you are going to use in your application.
You may want to refer to other tutorials for instructions on using specific features, such as custom
field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular
interest to you.
2.2. For the Experienced User
If you are an experienced ANSYS Fluent user, you can read and/or solve the tutorial(s) that demonstrate
features that you are going to use in your application.
You may want to refer to other tutorials for instructions on using specific features, such as custom
field functions, mesh scaling, and so on, even if the problem solved in the tutorial is not of particular
interest to you.
3.Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual
Several typographical conventions are used in this manual’s text to help you find commands in the
user interface.
• Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface items and text interface items. For example:
Iso-Surface dialog box
surface/iso-surface text command