Probability and Random Processes with Application to Signal Processing,经典的信号处理教程,英文原版,非扫描版,带部分书签
2023-01-08 10:32:41 8.12MB Probability Signal Processing
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing from MATLAB to C with the TMS320C6x DSPs 3rd 第三版 矢量pdf 非扫描
2022-12-20 16:18:15 14.73MB DSP MATLAB C
频率域低通滤波matlab代码 使用加窗傅立叶变换研究低通音频滤波器和信号处理 该项目使用多种类型的窗口傅立叶变换来研究时频域中的音乐样本。 我特别研究了这种变换的调谐,以及海森堡不确定性对时间和频率分辨率的限制。 我还执行泛音过滤并研究不同窗口类型对这项任务的功效。 是对项目的介绍,包括可视化、方法和背景。 动机 该项目最初是为了满足华盛顿大学应用数学项目数据科学和科学计算研究生课程的任务。 框架 -MATLAB 2019 图例 代码示例 %% Build the time and frequency domains L = length(v)/Fs; n = length(v); t2 = linspace(0, L, n+1); t = t2(1:n); k = (2*pi/L)*[0:n/2-1 -n/2:-1]; ks = fftshift(k); v = v(1:end - 1); v_t = fft(v); %% Plot in freq. domain of original file close all plot(ks,abs(fftshift(v_t))/max(a
2022-12-19 16:17:51 1.91MB 系统开源
Fourier transforms are used everyday for solving single functions and combinations of functions found in radar and signal processing. Still, many problems that could have been solved by using Fourier transforms have gone unsolved because they require integration that is too computationally difficult. This manual demonstrates how you can solve those integration-intensive problems with an approach to carrying out Fourier transforms. By building upon Woodward's well-known "Rules and Pairs" method and related concepts and procedures, the text establishes a unified system that makes implicit the integration required for performing Fourier transforms on a wide variety of functions. It details how complex functions can be broken down to their constituent parts for analysis. This approach to applying Fourier transforms is illustrated with many specific examples from digital signal processing as well as radar and antenna operation.
2022-11-29 08:52:42 2.91MB 雷达信号处理
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing, 2nd Edition by Sen Maw, Kuo本版是完整版.原來網上的不全.
2022-11-20 16:17:03 16.07MB Real-time DSP
目前图信号处理是最火的研究热点之一。这里是图信号处理中的滤波操作。(graph signal processing:filtering.)
2010年出版的Tulay Adali与Simon Haykin合著的一本关于自适应信号处理的书.
2022-11-09 11:26:37 4.86MB 自适应滤波
Signal app是一款非常优秀的个人信息隐私防护软件,在数字化信息的今天,几乎所有的信息都会被曝光,这时候一款性比较好的通讯软件就显得尤为重要,Signal app通过domain fronting技术绕过审查,能够保护用户的信息安全,需要的可以来下载使用
2022-11-08 15:11:16 38.48MB signal signal安卓版 signal安卓最新版
噪声干扰信号的Matlab仿真 噪声调幅、调频、调相信号的Matlab仿真
LabVIEW_Digital_Signal_Processing_and_Digital Communications_by_Cory_L.Clark
2022-11-04 18:23:17 7.92MB LabVIEW, Clark