数据库应用(SQL Server):02 Operating System.ppt
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OS-Experiment:操作系统实验NUAA os-exp
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操作系统英文教学课件:Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures.ppt
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Embedded PowerPC Operating System User’s Manua
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This tools is used to debug the kernel of Windows. It's very convenient to establish the environment of debug! There is a readme.TXT document in it to help you establish the environment easily!
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OSEK/VDX Operating System 2.2.3 This document describes the concept of a real-time operating system, capable of multitasking, which can be used for motor vehicles. It is not a product description which relates to a specific implementation. This document also specifies the OSEK operating system - Application Program Interface.
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operating systems three easy pieces 最新版本,附上書籤。
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operating system concepts pdf
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process-scheduling-algorithms:C ++中的调度算法程序