这个MATLAB函数将灰度图像I中的强度值映射到J中的新值,使得1%的数据在I的低强度和高强度下饱和。对图像f中任意像素的灰度值x进行变换,得到图像f 中对应像素的灰度值XF。
i. Set adjustment linearity value;
ii. Read in the image to be processed and assign it to I;
iii. Assign image data to R. Change the original image into a monochrome image and keep the red color. Use the function imadjust to adjust the gray level of R, and the result returns R1;
iv. Assign image data to G. Change the original image into a monochrome image and keep the green color. Use the function imadjust to adjust the gray level of R, and the result returns G1;
v. Assign image data to B. Change the original image into a monochrome image and keep the blue color. Use the function imadjust to adjust the gray level of R, and the result returns B1;
vi. Get RGB image after transformation;
vii. Draw R, R1, G, G1, B, B1 images and observe the results of linear gray-scale transformation.
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