PS:为啥下载需要那么多的积分? pythonreader是中国石油大学(北京)焦中良博士开发的实时读取abaqusCAE命令的软件,该软件可以实时读取工作目录下的Abaqus.rpy文件,是Abqus二次开发很便捷的辅助工具。
2021-04-30 11:27:47 26KB Abaqus python-reader
There are some books that target the theory of the finite element, while others focus on the programming side of things. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB® and Abaqus accomplishes both. This book teaches the first principles of the finite element method. It presents the theory of the finite element method while maintaining a balance between its mathematical formulation, programming implementation, and application using commercial software. The computer implementation is carried out using MATLAB, while the practical applications are carried out in both MATLAB and Abaqus. MATLAB is a high-level language specially designed for dealing with matrices, making it particularly suited for programming the finite element method, while Abaqus is a suite of commercial finite element software. Includes more than 100 tables, photographs, and figures Provides MATLAB codes to generate contour plots for sample results Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB and Abaqus introduces and explains theory in each chapter, and provides corresponding examples. It offers introductory notes and provides matrix structural analysis for trusses, beams, and frames. The book examines the theories of stress and strain and the relationships between them. The author then covers weighted residual methods and finite element approximation and numerical integration. He presents the finite element formulation for plane stress/strain problems, introduces axisymmetric problems, and highlights the theory of plates. The text supplies step-by-step procedures for solving problems with Abaqus interactive and keyword editions. The described procedures are implemented as MATLAB codes and Abaqus files can be found on the CRC Press website.
2021-04-29 20:31:23 11.82MB matlab Finite Element Analysis
2021-04-29 14:33:42 4.91MB abaqus
2021-04-23 19:01:49 109KB abaqus 非线性分析
2021-04-23 13:02:07 599KB CAE Abaqus Hyperview
2021-04-22 10:31:14 14KB abaqus 塑性参数
Abaqus 2020、2018 Win/Linux64位安装方法及软件
2021-04-21 16:33:46 159B Abaqus 仿真软件 网盘 2020
压缩包是《Abaqus分析用户手册——分析卷》,作为“Abaqus用户手册大系”最主要一册,完整版资源,分为上、下两篇。 上篇为分析过程、求解和控制,下篇为分析技术。上篇的内容包括:静态应力/位移分析,动态应力/位移分析,稳态传输分析,热传导和热应力分析,流体动力学分析,电磁分析,耦合的多孔流体流动和应力分析,质量扩散分析,声学、冲击和耦合的声学结构分析,Abaqus/Aqua分析,退火分析,求解非线性问题和分析收敛性控制。下篇介绍了处理求解过程中所涉及问题的多种技术,包括:重启动,导入和传递结果,子结构,子模型,生成矩阵,对称模型,惯性释放,网格更改或替换,几何缺陷,断裂力学,基于面的流体模拟,质量缩放,可选的子循环,稳态探测,ALE自适应网格划分,自适应网格重划分,优化技术,欧拉分析,粒子方法,顺序耦合的多物理场分析,协同仿真,用户子程序和工具,设计敏感性分析,参数化研究等诸多方面。每一章都针对各项数值技术进行了详细阐述。
2021-04-20 11:15:48 67.44MB ABAQUS 有限元 分析卷 手册
2021-04-18 18:02:30 853B abaqus 子程序