2022年最新视觉框架VM PRO 2.7版本,增加了机器人 流程框架 多任务流程 C#源码框架,机器视觉源码框架,编程语言C#,算法使用的是halcon,参考了cognex visionpro的输入输出,有C#基础和Halcon基础学习这个很好,是框架源码,可根据自己的理解改成自己想要的,目前该框架集成了halcon、海康威视、大恒、AVT等操作相机的sdk,运动控制卡 集成了雷塞Dmc1000b和雷塞ioc0640等 本人的编译环境是visiual studio 2022企业版,halcon版本是20.11 steady版本登录密码 默认 都为admin
2023-08-29 09:50:18 970KB c# 软件/插件 编程语言
五级行政区域包含:一级行政区)省级行政区:省、自治区、直辖市、特别行政区;(二级行政区)地级行政区:地区、盟、自治州、市;(三级行政区)县级行政区:县、自治县、旗、自治旗、县级市、(市辖)区、林区、个特区;(四级行政区)乡级行政区:乡、民族乡、镇、街道、苏木、民族苏木、(县辖)区;(五级行政区)村级行政区:行政村、社区。 本资源为2023年3月份最新更新的最新版全国五级行政区域数据库表以及sql文件,包含行政区域名称及区域代码,如需原始数据表格或者json版本可联系本人获取。
2023-08-28 22:30:45 18.8MB 软件/插件 数据库 sql
2023-08-28 18:11:48 7.7MB 最新2023年计算机本科毕业设计
2023-08-26 23:08:23 383KB ap
内含详细的帮助文件(英文),解决各种授权出问题的情况 没分的请到网盘下载: http://www.400gb.com/file/54873134 PCS7 v8.0, TIA Poprtal, WinCC and key9999 Problems with new ALM v5 Simatic IT Business Objects Enterprise signed keys Official FAQ FastCopy keys v3.0 1843 keys v2013.12.25 add some info for Simatic Net v12 //MD5: 0ade8808e789e6e704e66b0877c1c04f *Sim_EKB_Install_2013_12_25.exe v2013.12.10 add some info for Simocode v12 // MD5: 10a0c74548ba89b80e98f2664289ba79 v2013.12.02 add some info for PDM v8.1 v2013.12.01 add some info for Softnet Security Client v4.0 v2013.05.26 add some info for WinCC v7.2 v2013.03.08 fix 1 key for TIA Portal v12 v2013.03.03 add TIA Portal v12, S7-Technology, fix Unicode bug for some new keys folder v2013.03.01_test add TIA Portal v12 with some bug for all Unicode version from v2012.10.12 v2013.01.21 fix bug with PID v11.0 keys, add some info for D7-SYS v8.0 v2012.10.12 add Chinese language (possible Cyryllic chars in the European interfaces :) ASCII > Unicode v2012.09.29 add some info for Easy Motion v11.0, SinuTrain 4.4 v2012.07.29 add some info for PID v11.0 *but with error :( v2012.07.23 add some info for Simotion Scout v4.3 v2012.07.19 add some info for Telecontrol Server Basic v2.0 and fix comment bug v2012.07.18 add some info for PDM v6.1. v2012.03.08 add some info for PCS7 v8.0. v2012.02.26 add some info forWinCC Flexible 2008 SP3, Simatic Net v8.1. Fixed bug of euristic engine. v2012.01.26 add some info for Simatic Net v8.1 14/05/2011 add some info for TIA Portal V11 15/02/2011 This internal version for testing add some keys 11/10/2010 add some info for.... 10/10/2010 add one info for "SIK/ SIMATIC S5 PMC IE V7.0" ("A9S5IE70") 09/09/2010 add some info for WinCC DowntimeMonitor, WinAC, fix bug for comp and Virtual Machine with 1 HardDisk partition 09/05/2010 add keys for WinCC Flexible 2008 SP2 options v1.3, Sinaut, fixed one ALM v5 bug 20/04/2010 add some keys Safety Matrix, PCS7 powerrate, PCS7 CFC AS RT SIFPZASRPX9999A 20/03/2010 add some keys, "option Recommended" and info about closed PLC.NET.RU and reopened http://plcforum.uz.ua 26/08/2009 add keys for TIA Portal v10.5, Braumat, Maintenance Station 2009 04/04/2009 add keys for WinAC MP 2008, PCS7 v7.1 22/12/2008 add keys for WinAC 2008, Simatic Net 2008, RF-Manager 2008 20/08/2008 add keys for WinCC Flexible 2008 24/07/2008 Open FastCopy v3 key option 21/07/2008 add keys for WinCC v7.0 29/06/2008 add keys for PID Tools v5.2, D7-SYS v7.0, PowerControl, RF-Manager 14/03/2008 add keys for Simatic IT and multikey description 23/02/2008 add keys for CEMAT v7.0 , WinCC v6.2 and PCS7 v7.0 18/02/2008 add keys for Simocode 2007 15/02/2008 add keys for DocPro 5.4, WinAC MP 2007, Soft Starter 2007 and fix error for "New" folder07/12/2007 add keys for Sinema E 2006 and fix error for Motor Starter 2007 (but add bug - not install keys from "New" folder) 30/11/2007 add keys for Motor Starter 2007, Net 2007 27/11/2007 add keys for SmartLabel v3.0 HF1, WinAC/RTX 2005 SP3 07/11/2007 Add and change some Tags keys for WinCC v6.2 and PCS7 v7.0
2023-08-26 12:20:49 8.82MB 西门子 PLC Step7 Simatic
2023-08-22 13:02:30 43KB [千年]网游辅助程序[源码]
If you’re a web designer or app developer interested in sophisticated page styling, improved accessibility, and saving time and effort, this book is for you. This revised edition provides a comprehensive guide to CSS implementation, along with a thorough review of the latest CSS specifications. CSS is a constantly evolving language for describing the presentation of web content on screen, printers, speech synthesizers, screen readers, and chat windows. It is used by all browsers on all screen sizes on all types of IoT devices, including phones, computers, video games, televisions, watches, kiosks, and auto consoles. Authors Eric Meyer and Estelle Weyl show you how to improve user experience, speed development, avoid potential bugs, and add life and depth to your applications through layout, transitions and animations, borders, backgrounds, text properties, and many other tools and techniques. This guide covers: Selectors, specificity, and the cascade Values, units, fonts, and text properties Padding, borders, outlines, and margins Colors, backgrounds, and gradients Floats and positioning tricks Flexible box layout The new Grid layout system 2D and 3D transforms, transitions, and animation Filters, blending, clipping, and masking Media and feature queries
2023-08-20 22:28:51 83.83MB css
Excel文件,前复权数据,内容包括:包括 股票名称、交易日期、开盘价格、收盘价格、最高价格、最低价格、跌涨额、跌涨幅、成交量
2023-08-20 00:19:48 18KB 金融商贸 股票数据
感谢您使用 FOXBORO 公司的 I/A Series® 控制系统! I/A Series® 控制系统是 FOXBORO 公司于 1987 年在世界上第一个推出的开放型 DCS工业控制系统。 作为开放系统它充分考虑到了用户的当前利益和长远利益, 以其技术上的先进性迫使它的竞争对手在 94 年前后纷纷加入开放性的行列。 I/A Series 系统集二十多年开放的经验, 在技术上仍遥遥领先于竞争对手。 本教材是为初次接触 I/A Series® 控制系统的过程工程师编写的, 作为培训教材我们力求使它简明易懂, 尽可能使过程工程师能够通过较短时间的学习对 I/A 系统有所了解。 对于需要更深入了解 I/A 的工程人员在碰到问题时还是应该以 FOXBORO 资料为主。 另外,在修改这一版教材时我们主要使用 I/A’s 软件 Unix 平台和 Windows XP 平台 7.0 版本。
2023-08-17 08:20:49 7.34MB 福克斯波罗 DCS IA 教程
2023-08-15 16:15:49 53KB 大学数据库