想深入模拟电路设计技术的必读书目 Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界级模拟电路设计) About the Authors Bonnie Baker Chapters 4 8 13 14 15 and Appendix A writes the monthly “ Baker ’ s Best ” for EDN magazine She has been involved with analog and digital designs and systems for over 20 years Bonnie started as a Manufacturing Product Engineer supporting analog products at Burr Brown From there Bonnie moved up to IC Design Analog Division Strategic Marketer and then Corporate Applications Engineering Manager In 1998 she joined Microchip Technology and served as their analog division Analog mixed signal Applications Engineering manager and Staff Architect Engineer for one of their PICmicro divisions This expanded her background to not only include analog applications but also the microcontroller She is now back in the Burr Brown fold working for Texas Instruments in their Precision Analog Division ">想深入模拟电路设计技术的必读书目 Analog Circuits World Class Designs(世界级模拟电路设计) About the Authors Bonnie Baker Chapters 4 8 13 14 15 and Appendix A writes the monthly “ Baker ’ s Best ” for EDN magazine She has been involved with analog and digital [更多]
2019-12-21 19:23:16 3.02MB analog circuit
这个文档是超级有用的噻。列出部分的目录 Overview 1.1 Scope 1.2 Purpose 2. Normative References 3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 3.1 Definitions 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations 4. Classes and Utilities 5. Base Classes 5.1 uvm_void 5.2 uvm_object 5.3 uvm_transaction 5.4 uvm_root 5.5 uvm_port_base 6. Reporting Classes 6.1 uvm_report_object 6.2 uvm_report_handler 6.3 uvm_report_server 6.4 uvm_report_catcher 7. Factory Classes 7.1 uvm_*_registry 7.2 uvm_factory 8. Phasing Classes 8.1 uvm_phase 8.2 uvm_domain 8.3 uvm_bottomup_phase 8.4 uvm_task_phase 8.5 uvm_topdown_phase 8.6 UVM Common Phases UVM 1.1 Class Reference Front-4 8.7 UVM Run-Time Phases 8.8 User-Defined Phases 9. Configuration and Resource Classes 9.1 uvm_resource 9.2 uvm_resource_db 9.3 uvm_config_db 10. Synchronization Classes . 10.1 uvm_event 10.2 uvm_event_callback 10.3 uvm_barrier 10.4 uvm_objection 10.5 uvm_heartbeat
2019-12-21 19:21:53 3.54MB uvm 验证 class
2019-12-21 18:59:02 15KB set get 方法 注释
2019-12-21 18:50:12 28.96MB gradle插件
ATE J750学习 资料 软件使用方法。包括Pattern编程的基本用法。
2019-12-21 18:49:56 6.2MB
JAVA的JAR或Class生成Delphi的Native Bridge File工具。 工具来源:QQ群:①FireMonkey[移动开发]
2014-11-23 00:00:00 755KB Native Bridge File
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